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3.1 Step Response of a Gravity Drained Tank

by Jeffrey Kantor (jeff at The latest version of this notebook is available at

3.1.1 Summary

In the example we show how to fit the step response of a nonlinear system, a gravity drained tank, to a first order linear system.

3.1.2 Mass Balance for Tank with Constant Cross-Sectional Area

For a tank with constant cross-sectional area, such as a cylindrical or rectangular tank, the liquid height is described by a differential equation

$$A\frac{dh}{dt} = q_{in}(t) - q_{out}(t)$$

where $q_{out}$ is a function of liquid height. Torricelli's law tells the outlet flow from the tank is proportional to square root of the liquid height

$$ q_{out}(h) = C_v\sqrt{h} $$

Dividing by area we obtain a nonlinear ordinary differential equation

$$ \frac{dh}{dt} = - \frac{C_V}{A}\sqrt{h} + \frac{1}{A}q_{in}(t) $$

in our standard form where the LHS derivative appears with a constant coefficient of 1.

3.1.3 Nonlinear Step Response

3.1.4 Linear Approximation of the Step Response

The step response of the gravity drained to a change in flowrate looks similar to the step response of a firat order linear system. Let's try a linear approximation

$$\tau\frac{dx}{dt} + x = Ku$$

which has a step response solution that can be written

$$x(t) = x_{ss} + (x_0 - x_{ss})\exp(-t/\tau)$$

where $x_{ss} = Ku_{ss}$. There are two parameters, $K$ and $\tau$, which we need to estimate in order to fit the linear approximation to the nonlinear simulation results computed above. Fit for $K$

The steady state gain $K$ of the linear system is given by

$$ K = \frac{x_{ss} - x(0)}{u_{ss} - u_0}$$

where $u_0$ is the initial input, $u_{ss}$ is the steady-state input, and $x_0$ and $x_{ss}$ are corresponding values of the state variable. In the case of liquid level, $h\sim x$ and $q_{in}\sim u$, therefore an estimate of $K$ is

$$ K = \frac{h_{ss} - h_0}{q_{in,ss} - q_{in,0}}$$ Fit for $\tau$

From the formula for the solution of a first-order linear equation with constant input,

$$\frac{x_{ss} - x(t)}{x_{ss} - x_0} = \exp(-t/\tau) \qquad \implies \qquad \tau = \frac{-t}{\ln\frac{x_{ss} - x(t)}{x_{ss} - x_0}}$$

We pick one point representative of the transient portion of the nonlinear response. In this case the response at $t = 25$ minutes accounts for $\approx$60% of the ultimate response, so we choose point as a representative point. Comparing the linear approximation to the nonlinear simulation

< 3.0 Linearization | Contents | Tag Index | 3.2 Linear Approximation of a Process Model >

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