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< 4.4 PID Control with Anti-Reset-Windup | Contents | Tag Index | 4.6 PID Controller Tuning >

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4.5 Realizable PID Control

The next part that needs attention is the derivative control term which is currently implemented as

\begin{align} D & = K_D\frac{de^D}{dt} \approx K_D\frac{e^D_k - e^D_{k-1}}{t_k - t_{k-1}} \end{align}

where is a weighted difference between the setpoing and process variable $e^D = \gamma SP - PV$.

This term clearly presents problems as the control sampling period gets small. Any difference between $e^D_k$ and $e^D_{k-1}$ due to measurement noise, for example, will be magnified when divided by the small difference between $t_k$ and $t_{k-1}$.

4.5.1 Example: PID Control with Significant Measurement Noise

Here we start with the PID control algorithm that implements setpoint weighting and anti-reset windup.

We modify the control problem by introducing a signficant degree of measurement noise.

\begin{align} T^{meas}_{1,k} & = T_{1,k} + e_k \end{align}

where the measurement error is a normal random variable with zero mean and a standard deviation of 2°C. For this example we've deliberately chosen a large value of $K_D = 10$ to illustrate the issue of using significant amounts of derivative control in presence of measurement noise.

4.5.2 Modifying the Derivative Term

To avoid problems with high frequency measurement noise and disturbances, consider an implementation of the derivative term of PID control using a first-order model

\begin{align} \tau_f \frac{dD}{dt} + D & = K_D \frac{de^D}{dt} \end{align}

where $e^D = \gamma SP - PV$ is the setpoint weighted error. The idea behind this model is that, for slowly varying changes, $D \sim K_d \frac{de_D}{dt}$ which provides the desired derivative control function, and for more rapidly varying changes $\tau_f \frac{dD}{dt} + D \sim K_d \frac{de_D}{dt}$ which dissipates the influence of more rapidly varying changes attributable to measurement noise.

The characteristic time constant $\tau_f$ is chosen as a fraction of the derivative time constant $\tau_D$

\begin{align} \tau_f & = \frac{\tau_D}{N} = \frac{K_D}{NK_P} \end{align}

Rearraging for $D$ and integrating this model gives

\begin{align} D & = \frac{K_D}{\tau_f} e^D - \frac{1}{\tau_f} \int_0^t D\ dt \end{align}

In discrete time we define and use a backwards difference approximation to obtain

\begin{align} S_k & = \int_0^{t_k} D\ dt \\ & \approx \sum_{k'=1 }^{k} D_{k'} (t_{k'} - t_{k'-1}) = D_k (t_k - t_{k-1}) + S_{k-1} \end{align}

The backwards difference approximation provides a recursion relationship that is stable for all $t_k \geq t_{k-1}$. We are thereby tracking a pair of implicit recursion relations

\begin{align} D_k & = \frac{K_D}{\tau_f} e^D_k - \frac{1}{\tau_f} \left[ D_k(t_k - t_{k-1}) + S_{k-1} \right] \\ \\ S_k & = D_k (t_k - t_{k-1}) + S_{k-1} \end{align}

Making these explicit

\begin{align} D_k & = \frac{K_D e^D_k - S_{k-1}}{\tau_f + (t_k - t_{k-1})} \\ \\ S_k & = D_k (t_k - t_{k-1}) + S_{k-1} \end{align}

Finally, using parameters for the non-interacting model of PID control

\begin{align} D_k & = \frac{NK_P(K_De^D_k - S_{k-1})}{K_D + NK_P(t_k - t_{k-1})} \\ \\ S_k & = D_k (t_k - t_{k-1}) + S_{k-1} \end{align}

This recursive calculation can be initialized with $S_0 = K_De^D_0$.

4.5.3 Example Revisited

To show the impact of this change in the implementation of the derivative term, we repeat the experiment above with the revised algorithm and $N = 1$. (A more typical value of $N$ is 5 or 10, but we've chosen a somewhat more conservative value because of the magnitude of the measurement noise present in this example, and the large value of $K_D$ chosen to demonstrate the issues.

The desired setpoint is 50°C which is acheived with a power setting of approximately 50%. We'll start out at the power setting for a period of 400 seconds, then turn on the controller.

< 4.4 PID Control with Anti-Reset-Windup | Contents | Tag Index | 4.6 PID Controller Tuning >

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