This notebook contains material from CBE40455-2020; content is available on Github.
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Let's imagine a large facility that is being cleaned by a collection of Roomba-type robotic cleaning units. Each unit is characterized by time required to charge, and an amount of time it can clean before needing to be recharged. The facility must be cleaned during a 16 hour overnight shift. On average, 3 units must be operating continuously to meet the cleaning requirements, i.e., 3 x 16 = 48 hours machine cleaning each night. We would like to determine how many charging stations will be required.
Unit | Charge Time (hrs) | Clean Time (hrs) |
A | 1.0 | 2.5 |
B | 0.5 | 1.5 |
C | 0.8 | 2.0 |
D | 1.4 | 3.5 |
E | 0.5 | 1.2 |
# necessary installations
!pip install simpy
# import section
import simpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# data section
roomba_data = [
["A", 1.0, 2.5],
["B", 0.5, 1.5],
["C", 0.8, 2.0],
["D", 1.4, 3.5],
["E", 0.5, 1.2],
roomba_df = pd.DataFrame(roomba_data, columns=["id", "charge_time", "clean_time"])
The output of the modeling and simulation is a Pandas DataFrame giving a complete history of the events occuring during a simulation.
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time):
while True:
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout(charge_time)
toc =
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
tic =
yield env.timeout(clean_time)
toc =
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is a commonly used termed to denote quantitative measures important to the performance of an organization, unit, or system.
def kpi(df):
df["time"] = df["end"] - df["begin"]
return pd.pivot_table(df, index=["event"], values="time", aggfunc={"time":np.sum} )
Designed circa 1910-1915 by Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer who worked with Frederick W. Taylor, one of the first management consultants and a leader in the Efficiency Movement of the late 19th century.
Gantt charts provide a convenient method to display complex schedules and the time-dependent allocation of resources.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
def gantt(df, lw=10):
# create sorted lists of the unique ids and events appearing in the data log
ids = sorted(list(set(df["id"])))
events = sorted(list(set(df["event"])))
# create list of unique colors for each event
colors = [f"C{i}" for i in range(len(events))]
# create plot window
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 3))
# for each event and id, find entries in the data log and plot the begin and end points
for i, event in enumerate(events):
for j, id in enumerate(ids):
for k in df[(df["id"]==id) & (df["event"]==event)].index:
ax.plot([df["begin"][k], df["end"][k]], [j,j],
colors[i], solid_capstyle="butt", lw=lw)
# create legend
lines = [Line2D([0], [0], lw=lw, color=colors[i]) for i in range(len(events))]
ax.legend(lines, events, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.1), loc="lower left")
# annotate the axes
ax.set_title("Gannt Chart")
for sp in ['top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left']:
Answer the question posed above: How many charging stations are needed to provide 48 hours cleaning services in the overnight shift?
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
We see that two chargers are sufficient to meet the performance requirement. But keep in mind there has been no deliberate strategy for allocating the chargers. The Roombas simply wait in line when they need access. There may be better ways to allocate a scare resource than first-come, first-serve.
Modify the model to assume the changers are fully charged at the start of the cleaning shift. Does that reduce the number of chargers required?
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time):
while True:
tic =
yield env.timeout(clean_time)
toc =
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout(charge_time)
toc =
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
The solution to this exercise can be generalized by introducing a state variable soc
denoting the 'state of charge'. The state of charge is the fraction of charge remaining in the device battery. The state of charge is reduced during cleaning operations, and restored during charging operation, in proportion to the time spent cleaning and charging, respectively.
Given an initial full charge, let parameter $\tau_{clean}$ denote the maximum time the device can clean before completely exhausting the battery. Let $\text{SOC}_{k}$ be the state of charge after the $k_{th}$ cleaning cycle. Then
$$\text{SOC}_{k+1} = \max(0, \text{SOC}_k - \frac{t_{k, clean}}{\tau_{clean}})$$where $t_{k,clean}$ is the period of the $k_{th}$ cleaning cycle.
An additional parameter is introduced to represent the minimum battery reserve that would be allowed for normal operations.
Similarly, the state of charge following a charging cycle is given by
$$\text{SOC}_{k+1} = \min(1, \text{SOC}_k + \frac{t_{k, charge}}{\tau_{charge}})$$It is interesting to explore the behavior of this system as a function of the initial state of charge and reserve requirements. Take time to explore the role of these two parameters. See if you find any surprising behaviors.
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time, reserve=0.1):
soc = 1.0 # state of charge
while True:
if soc > reserve:
tic =
yield env.timeout((soc - reserve) * clean_time)
toc =
soc = max(0.0, soc - (toc - tic)/clean_time)
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout((1 - soc)*charge_time)
toc =
soc = min(1.0, soc + (toc - tic)/charge_time)
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
Assume each Roomba needs to dispose of waste after 20 minutes of cleaning, that it takes 5 minutes to dispose of the waste, and requires access to a waste disposal station.
five_min = 1.0/12.0
twenty_min = 1.0/3.0
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time, reserve=0.1):
soc = 1.0 # state of charge
sow = 0.0 # state of waste
while True:
if soc > reserve and sow < 1.0:
tic =
events = [env.timeout((soc - reserve) * clean_time),
env.timeout((1.0 - sow)*twenty_min)]
yield simpy.AnyOf(env, events)
toc =
soc = max(0.0, soc - (toc - tic)/clean_time)
sow = min(1.0, sow + (toc - tic)/twenty_min)
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
if sow >= 1.0 - 0.001:
with waste_stations.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout(five_min)
toc =
sow = 0.0
data_log.append([id, "waste disposal", tic, toc])
if soc <= reserve + 0.001:
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout((1 - soc)*charge_time)
toc =
soc = min(1.0, soc + (toc - tic)/charge_time)
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
waste_stations = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=5)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
import random
five_min = 5.0/60.0
ten_min = 10.0/60.0
twenty_min = 20.0/60.0
thirty_min = 30.0/60.0
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time, reserve=0.1):
soc = 1.0 # state of charge
sow = 0.0 # state of waste
while True:
if soc > reserve and sow < 1.0:
tic =
yield simpy.AnyOf(env, [env.timeout((soc - reserve) * clean_time),
env.timeout((1.0 - sow)*random.uniform(ten_min, thirty_min))])
toc =
soc = max(0.0, soc - (toc - tic)/clean_time)
sow = min(1.0, sow + (toc - tic)/twenty_min)
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
if sow >= 1.0 - 0.001:
with waste_stations.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout(five_min)
toc =
sow = 0.0
data_log.append([id, "waste disposal", tic, toc])
if soc <= reserve+ 0.001:
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout((1 - soc)*charge_time)
toc =
soc = min(1.0, soc + (toc - tic)/charge_time)
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
waste_stations = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
import random
five_min = 5.0/60.0
ten_min = 10.0/60.0
twenty_min = 20.0/60.0
thirty_min = 30.0/60.0
def roomba_model(id, charge_time, clean_time, reserve=0.1):
soc = 1.0 # state of charge
sow = 0.0 # state of waste
while True:
if soc > reserve and sow < 1.0:
tic =
yield simpy.AnyOf(env, [env.timeout((soc - reserve) * clean_time),
env.timeout((1.0 - sow)*random.triangular(ten_min, thirty_min))])
toc =
soc = max(0.0, soc - (toc - tic)/clean_time)
sow = min(1.0, sow + (toc - tic)/twenty_min)
data_log.append([id, "cleaning", tic, toc])
if sow >= 1.0 - 0.001:
with waste_stations.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout(five_min)
toc =
sow = 0.0
data_log.append([id, "waste disposal", tic, toc])
if soc <= reserve+ 0.001:
with chargers.request() as request:
yield request
tic =
yield env.timeout((1 - soc)*charge_time)
toc =
soc = min(1.0, soc + (toc - tic)/charge_time)
data_log.append([id, "charging", tic, toc])
y = []
for k in range(1000):
data_log = []
env = simpy.Environment()
chargers = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
waste_stations = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=2)
for r in roomba_df.index:
env.process(roomba_model(roomba_df["id"][r], roomba_df["charge_time"][r], roomba_df["clean_time"][r]))
df = pd.DataFrame(data_log, columns=["id", "event", "begin", "end"])
y = np.array(y)
plt.hist(y, bins=20)
plt.xlim(45.0, 52.0)
plt.plot([48,48], plt.ylim(), lw=3)
print("mean =", round(y.mean(), 2))
print("std =", round(y.std(), 2))
The facility has expanded to an average of 100 hours of machine cleaning time are required during the 16 hour overnight shift. The company would like to settle on a single cleaning model rather than servicing five different models.
a. Modify the above model to determine the the model (A, B, C, D, or E) and number of devices required to meet the service requirement.
b. Modify the above model to include a second process that writes the number of charging stations in use at every minute to a second data log. Prepare a plot and histogram of charging station usage.