This notebook contains material from CBE40455-2020; content is available on Github.
Kendall notation is a standardized methods to describe and classify queues. The notation consists of three factors written as A/S/c where where A describes the arrival process, S the service process, and c is the number of servers attending the queue.
Typical Statistics
Example: M/D/1
Example: M/M/8
SimPy shared resources provide several means to implement queues in simulations. In particular, the shared resource type Stores is easy to use and well-suited to this purpose. The essential features are:
store = simpy.Store(env, capacity=4)
creates a new store object with a capacity of 4. Omitting capacity creates an a infinitely long queue.yield store.put(x)
puts a Python object x
on the queue. If the store is currently full, then generator instance waits until space is available.x = yield store.get()
retrieves a Python object from the store. The default is to recover objects on a first-in-first-out discipline. Other disciplines can be implemented using the FilterStore
or PriortyStore
returns a list of all items currently available in the store. A chemical storeroom processes orders for a large research campus. At peak loads it is expected to receive an average of one order every 12 minutes. The time required to process each order is a fixed 10 minutes.
Describe the process using the Kendall notation.
Create a simulation of the order queue that operates for 8 hours. Determine the average time between the arrival and completion of an order, and determine the average queue length.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import simpy
import pandas as pd
# time unit = minutes
order_log = [] # log data on order processing
queue_log = [] # log data on queue length
# Poisson process to place orders on the queue at a specified average rate
def order_generator(order_rate):
order_id = 1
while True:
yield env.timeout(random.expovariate(order_rate))
yield queue.put([order_id,])
order_id += 1
# Process orders from the queue
def server(t_process):
while True:
order_id, time_placed = yield queue.get()
yield env.timeout(t_process)
order_log.append([order_id, time_placed,])
# log time and queue_length at regular time steps
def queue_logger(t_step=1.0):
while True:
queue_log.append([, len(queue.items)])
yield env.timeout(t_step)
env = simpy.Environment()
queue = simpy.Store(env)
queue_df = pd.DataFrame(queue_log, columns=["time", "queue length"])
order_df = pd.DataFrame(order_log, columns=["order id", "start", "finish"])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12, 5))
ax[0].plot(queue_df["time"], queue_df["queue length"])
ax[0].set_xlabel("time / min")
ax[0].set_title("queue length")
order_df["elapsed"] = order_df["finish"] - order_df["start"]
ax[1].bar(order_df["order id"], order_df["elapsed"])
ax[1].plot(ax[1].get_xlim(), order_df["elapsed"].mean()*np.ones([2,1]), "r--")
ax[1].set_xlabel("Order ID")
ax[1].set_title(f"Elapsed time mean = {order_df['elapsed'].mean():6.2f} minutes")
ax[1].set_ylim(0, ax[1].get_ylim()[1])