This notebook contains material from CBE40455-2020; content is available on Github.

7.5 Portfolio Optimization

This Jupyter notebook demonstrates the formulation and solution of portfolio optimization problems.

7.5.1 Import libraries

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random

# data wrangling libraries
import as web
import pandas as pd
import datetime

%matplotlib inline

7.5.2 Load Price Data

Here we create several groups of possible trading symbols, and select one for study.

In [2]:
# Companies of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
djia = ['mmm','axp','aapl','ba','cat','cvx','csco','ko','dis','dwdp',

# Representative ETF's and ETN's from the energy sector
energy = ['oil','uso','uga','uhn','kol','ung']

# Standard indices
indices = ['^dji','^gspc']

# pick one of these groups for study
syms = djia
['mmm', 'axp', 'aapl', 'ba', 'cat', 'cvx', 'csco', 'ko', 'dis', 'dwdp', 'xom', 'ge', 'gs', 'hd', 'ibm', 'intc', 'jnj', 'jpm', 'mcd', 'mrk', 'msft', 'nke', 'pfe', 'pg', 'trv', 'utx', 'unh', 'vz', 'v', 'wmt']

Price data is retrieved using the Pandas DataReader function. The first price data set consists of historical data that will be used to design investment portfolios. The second set will be used for simulation and evaluation of resulting portfolios. The use of 'out-of-sample' data for evaluation is standard practice in these types of applications.

In [3]:
t2 =
t1 = t2 - datetime.timedelta(365)
t0 = t1 - datetime.timedelta(2*365)

Prices = pd.DataFrame()
PricesSim = pd.DataFrame()
for s in syms:
    k = 3
    while k > 0:
            Prices[s] = web.DataReader(s,'yahoo',t0,t2)['Adj Close']
            print(' ok.')
            k = 0
            k -= 1
            print(' fail. Try again.',end='')
mmm ok.
axp fail. Try again. ok.
aapl ok.
ba fail. Try again. ok.
cat fail. Try again. ok.
cvx ok.
csco fail. Try again. ok.
ko ok.
dis ok.
dwdp ok.
xom ok.
ge ok.
gs ok.
hd fail. Try again. ok.
ibm fail. Try again. ok.
intc ok.
jnj ok.
jpm ok.
mcd ok.
mrk ok.
msft ok.
nke ok.
pfe ok.
pg ok.
trv ok.
utx ok.
unh fail. Try again. ok.
vz ok.
v ok.
wmt ok.

7.5.3 Plot Price and Returns Data

In [7]:
idx= Prices.index
In [52]:

plt.title('Prices for Selected Goods')
plt.legend(loc='upper right',bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0))

Returns = Prices.diff()/Prices.shift(1)

plt.title('Linear Returns (daily)')
plt.legend(loc='upper right',bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0))
In [11]:

7.5.4 Linear and Log Returns

In [53]:
rlin = Returns.mean()
stdev = Returns.std()

rlog = np.log(Prices).diff().mean()
In [54]:

plt.title('Annualized Return')

plt.title('Annualized Volatility')

In [55]:
print( "Annualized Returns and Standard Deviation\n")
print( "Symbol     r_lin       r_log    r_lin-s^2/2    stdev")
for s in Returns.columns.values.tolist():
    print("  {0:9.5f}".format(252.0*rlin[s]),end='')
    print("   {0:9.5f}".format(252.0*rlog[s]),end='')
    print("   {0:9.5f}".format(252.0*(rlin[s] - 0.5*stdev[s]**2)),end='')
    print("   {0:9.5f}".format(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s]))
Annualized Returns and Standard Deviation

Symbol     r_lin       r_log    r_lin-s^2/2    stdev
mmm      0.10073     0.08642     0.08642     0.16915
axp     -0.06379    -0.09123    -0.09096     0.23313
aapl     0.06037     0.02830     0.02827     0.25338
ba       0.16965     0.14294     0.14309     0.23045
cat      0.08626     0.05194     0.05190     0.26216
cvx      0.12736     0.09362     0.09348     0.26033
csco     0.11347     0.08827     0.08806     0.22545
ko       0.04776     0.03714     0.03715     0.14571
dis      0.10763     0.08730     0.08741     0.20109
dwdp     0.15613     0.12257     0.12227     0.26023
xom      0.05831     0.03608     0.03599     0.21131
ge       0.16780     0.14793     0.14772     0.20042
gs       0.16050     0.12968     0.12973     0.24807
hd       0.18924     0.16987     0.16989     0.19671
ibm      0.07498     0.05315     0.05323     0.20861
intc     0.04976     0.02191     0.02199     0.23568
jnj      0.06764     0.05610     0.05606     0.15219
jpm      0.22718     0.19929     0.19927     0.23628
mcd      0.19668     0.18119     0.18113     0.17635
mrk      0.06571     0.04256     0.04232     0.21631
msft     0.19944     0.16628     0.16612     0.25817
nke      0.06982     0.04423     0.04408     0.22688
pfe      0.05137     0.03247     0.03233     0.19513
pg       0.01160    -0.00003    -0.00004     0.15260
trv      0.10497     0.08977     0.08983     0.17399
utx      0.02575     0.00841     0.00842     0.18614
unh      0.28231     0.25667     0.25667     0.22645
vz       0.11293     0.10028     0.10026     0.15917
v        0.13025     0.10617     0.10611     0.21973
wmt     -0.03636    -0.05646    -0.05640     0.20018

7.5.5 Covariance and Correlation Matrices

The covariance matrix is easily computed using the pandas .cov and .corr() functions.

In [56]:
sigma = Returns.cov()
rho = Returns.corr()

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.6f}'.format

print("\nCovariance Matrix\n")

print("\nCorrelation Coefficients\n")
Covariance Matrix

          mmm      axp     aapl       ba      cat      cvx     csco       ko  \
mmm  0.000114 0.000057 0.000077 0.000085 0.000092 0.000086 0.000078 0.000050   
axp  0.000057 0.000216 0.000057 0.000080 0.000097 0.000070 0.000060 0.000038   
aapl 0.000077 0.000057 0.000255 0.000103 0.000106 0.000090 0.000109 0.000052   
ba   0.000085 0.000080 0.000103 0.000211 0.000122 0.000100 0.000090 0.000056   
cat  0.000092 0.000097 0.000106 0.000122 0.000273 0.000159 0.000102 0.000042   
cvx  0.000086 0.000070 0.000090 0.000100 0.000159 0.000269 0.000107 0.000062   
csco 0.000078 0.000060 0.000109 0.000090 0.000102 0.000107 0.000202 0.000058   
ko   0.000050 0.000038 0.000052 0.000056 0.000042 0.000062 0.000058 0.000084   
dis  0.000062 0.000060 0.000083 0.000086 0.000078 0.000079 0.000092 0.000046   
dwdp 0.000089 0.000075 0.000096 0.000114 0.000138 0.000138 0.000088 0.000055   
xom  0.000074 0.000051 0.000077 0.000085 0.000124 0.000180 0.000090 0.000050   
ge   0.000082 0.000081 0.000080 0.000097 0.000116 0.000107 0.000084 0.000051   
gs   0.000093 0.000120 0.000112 0.000128 0.000157 0.000129 0.000109 0.000053   
hd   0.000071 0.000067 0.000081 0.000083 0.000073 0.000070 0.000083 0.000050   
ibm  0.000076 0.000079 0.000090 0.000097 0.000107 0.000103 0.000096 0.000051   
intc 0.000080 0.000073 0.000108 0.000099 0.000116 0.000108 0.000121 0.000058   
jnj  0.000061 0.000048 0.000060 0.000065 0.000058 0.000065 0.000063 0.000041   
jpm  0.000094 0.000114 0.000105 0.000123 0.000140 0.000134 0.000115 0.000054   
mcd  0.000059 0.000041 0.000062 0.000065 0.000047 0.000064 0.000067 0.000053   
mrk  0.000067 0.000074 0.000077 0.000084 0.000079 0.000085 0.000083 0.000047   
msft 0.000083 0.000076 0.000134 0.000091 0.000110 0.000112 0.000126 0.000067   
nke  0.000064 0.000070 0.000084 0.000091 0.000064 0.000062 0.000082 0.000054   
pfe  0.000054 0.000063 0.000066 0.000064 0.000066 0.000067 0.000067 0.000035   
pg   0.000056 0.000040 0.000061 0.000062 0.000052 0.000070 0.000065 0.000057   
trv  0.000070 0.000056 0.000070 0.000079 0.000073 0.000080 0.000075 0.000057   
utx  0.000078 0.000072 0.000077 0.000098 0.000103 0.000089 0.000085 0.000048   
unh  0.000063 0.000083 0.000087 0.000084 0.000068 0.000071 0.000071 0.000044   
vz   0.000055 0.000038 0.000058 0.000057 0.000062 0.000075 0.000060 0.000051   
v    0.000075 0.000086 0.000102 0.000091 0.000088 0.000088 0.000097 0.000055   
wmt  0.000049 0.000037 0.000053 0.000058 0.000046 0.000051 0.000070 0.000043   

          dis     dwdp   ...        msft      nke      pfe       pg      trv  \
mmm  0.000062 0.000089   ...    0.000083 0.000064 0.000054 0.000056 0.000070   
axp  0.000060 0.000075   ...    0.000076 0.000070 0.000063 0.000040 0.000056   
aapl 0.000083 0.000096   ...    0.000134 0.000084 0.000066 0.000061 0.000070   
ba   0.000086 0.000114   ...    0.000091 0.000091 0.000064 0.000062 0.000079   
cat  0.000078 0.000138   ...    0.000110 0.000064 0.000066 0.000052 0.000073   
cvx  0.000079 0.000138   ...    0.000112 0.000062 0.000067 0.000070 0.000080   
csco 0.000092 0.000088   ...    0.000126 0.000082 0.000067 0.000065 0.000075   
ko   0.000046 0.000055   ...    0.000067 0.000054 0.000035 0.000057 0.000057   
dis  0.000160 0.000079   ...    0.000088 0.000074 0.000056 0.000050 0.000069   
dwdp 0.000079 0.000269   ...    0.000104 0.000078 0.000078 0.000060 0.000072   
xom  0.000070 0.000115   ...    0.000082 0.000050 0.000064 0.000060 0.000067   
ge   0.000070 0.000108   ...    0.000097 0.000074 0.000069 0.000059 0.000074   
gs   0.000105 0.000132   ...    0.000122 0.000096 0.000090 0.000061 0.000102   
hd   0.000078 0.000082   ...    0.000094 0.000104 0.000066 0.000050 0.000073   
ibm  0.000073 0.000097   ...    0.000108 0.000070 0.000061 0.000058 0.000070   
intc 0.000084 0.000111   ...    0.000139 0.000077 0.000067 0.000069 0.000075   
jnj  0.000051 0.000061   ...    0.000070 0.000055 0.000064 0.000049 0.000057   
jpm  0.000098 0.000131   ...    0.000122 0.000095 0.000090 0.000063 0.000106   
mcd  0.000056 0.000074   ...    0.000084 0.000070 0.000050 0.000049 0.000059   
mrk  0.000058 0.000082   ...    0.000094 0.000063 0.000105 0.000053 0.000063   
msft 0.000088 0.000104   ...    0.000264 0.000101 0.000078 0.000083 0.000084   
nke  0.000074 0.000078   ...    0.000101 0.000204 0.000062 0.000056 0.000066   
pfe  0.000056 0.000078   ...    0.000078 0.000062 0.000151 0.000041 0.000057   
pg   0.000050 0.000060   ...    0.000083 0.000056 0.000041 0.000092 0.000057   
trv  0.000069 0.000072   ...    0.000084 0.000066 0.000057 0.000057 0.000120   
utx  0.000067 0.000090   ...    0.000084 0.000066 0.000061 0.000052 0.000070   
unh  0.000069 0.000081   ...    0.000091 0.000075 0.000090 0.000050 0.000076   
vz   0.000049 0.000064   ...    0.000069 0.000044 0.000042 0.000050 0.000058   
v    0.000089 0.000100   ...    0.000130 0.000100 0.000076 0.000065 0.000078   
wmt  0.000046 0.000047   ...    0.000061 0.000058 0.000050 0.000049 0.000047   

          utx      unh       vz        v      wmt  
mmm  0.000078 0.000063 0.000055 0.000075 0.000049  
axp  0.000072 0.000083 0.000038 0.000086 0.000037  
aapl 0.000077 0.000087 0.000058 0.000102 0.000053  
ba   0.000098 0.000084 0.000057 0.000091 0.000058  
cat  0.000103 0.000068 0.000062 0.000088 0.000046  
cvx  0.000089 0.000071 0.000075 0.000088 0.000051  
csco 0.000085 0.000071 0.000060 0.000097 0.000070  
ko   0.000048 0.000044 0.000051 0.000055 0.000043  
dis  0.000067 0.000069 0.000049 0.000089 0.000046  
dwdp 0.000090 0.000081 0.000064 0.000100 0.000047  
xom  0.000071 0.000060 0.000062 0.000074 0.000045  
ge   0.000087 0.000077 0.000057 0.000089 0.000051  
gs   0.000103 0.000108 0.000060 0.000121 0.000048  
hd   0.000073 0.000084 0.000054 0.000095 0.000064  
ibm  0.000089 0.000054 0.000064 0.000090 0.000053  
intc 0.000089 0.000077 0.000062 0.000099 0.000050  
jnj  0.000056 0.000059 0.000047 0.000066 0.000046  
jpm  0.000100 0.000101 0.000061 0.000118 0.000058  
mcd  0.000047 0.000052 0.000049 0.000072 0.000046  
mrk  0.000071 0.000085 0.000058 0.000086 0.000057  
msft 0.000084 0.000091 0.000069 0.000130 0.000061  
nke  0.000066 0.000075 0.000044 0.000100 0.000058  
pfe  0.000061 0.000090 0.000042 0.000076 0.000050  
pg   0.000052 0.000050 0.000050 0.000065 0.000049  
trv  0.000070 0.000076 0.000058 0.000078 0.000047  
utx  0.000137 0.000069 0.000057 0.000081 0.000057  
unh  0.000069 0.000203 0.000042 0.000082 0.000059  
vz   0.000057 0.000042 0.000101 0.000060 0.000050  
v    0.000081 0.000082 0.000060 0.000192 0.000055  
wmt  0.000057 0.000059 0.000050 0.000055 0.000159  

[30 rows x 30 columns]

Correlation Coefficients

          mmm      axp     aapl       ba      cat      cvx     csco       ko  \
mmm  1.000000 0.364655 0.451973 0.547545 0.522230 0.494760 0.517919 0.515660   
axp  0.364655 1.000000 0.242425 0.375220 0.399106 0.289644 0.289316 0.281259   
aapl 0.451973 0.242425 1.000000 0.445385 0.400989 0.342746 0.479134 0.356953   
ba   0.547545 0.375220 0.445385 1.000000 0.510478 0.420883 0.437872 0.421626   
cat  0.522230 0.399106 0.400989 0.510478 1.000000 0.587187 0.432973 0.278986   
cvx  0.494760 0.289644 0.342746 0.420883 0.587187 1.000000 0.460938 0.412001   
csco 0.517919 0.289316 0.479134 0.437872 0.432973 0.460938 1.000000 0.446405   
ko   0.515660 0.281259 0.356953 0.421626 0.278986 0.412001 0.446405 1.000000   
dis  0.462545 0.321093 0.411082 0.469068 0.370606 0.382306 0.508937 0.392950   
dwdp 0.508716 0.310577 0.366782 0.480226 0.507920 0.511553 0.376463 0.366010   
xom  0.520763 0.260883 0.364549 0.438791 0.566202 0.822994 0.477664 0.409703   
ge   0.611574 0.438860 0.395857 0.530476 0.554713 0.518193 0.469604 0.440906   
gs   0.555655 0.524055 0.448399 0.563947 0.609206 0.504906 0.489024 0.371298   
hd   0.534012 0.365528 0.410687 0.463156 0.356984 0.345962 0.474358 0.437787   
ibm  0.542878 0.410789 0.426873 0.508687 0.491349 0.477953 0.514722 0.425589   
intc 0.502933 0.336081 0.457084 0.461289 0.473298 0.443811 0.573555 0.423005   
jnj  0.597834 0.339867 0.392625 0.467654 0.368226 0.411066 0.459955 0.470326   
jpm  0.593096 0.522423 0.443882 0.569564 0.570202 0.548889 0.542419 0.395490   
mcd  0.502439 0.248318 0.350349 0.400600 0.256740 0.351741 0.426814 0.521860   
mrk  0.461245 0.370588 0.353349 0.425902 0.349173 0.378415 0.430047 0.374393   
msft 0.476105 0.316735 0.515070 0.384549 0.408757 0.421108 0.547033 0.447756   
nke  0.421223 0.332977 0.367831 0.438339 0.270978 0.264115 0.404063 0.413838   
pfe  0.415463 0.347678 0.336592 0.361405 0.326920 0.331446 0.385546 0.313744   
pg   0.547120 0.283407 0.398504 0.446439 0.325066 0.446879 0.472846 0.648127   
trv  0.603375 0.348317 0.398234 0.494575 0.400747 0.444819 0.480368 0.565851   
utx  0.622896 0.420745 0.412861 0.577625 0.532853 0.462771 0.507467 0.443824   
unh  0.415327 0.394836 0.380555 0.406461 0.286811 0.304064 0.350731 0.338421   
vz   0.518359 0.257751 0.360313 0.392023 0.371511 0.458308 0.423041 0.549953   
v    0.508679 0.422300 0.460721 0.450413 0.383362 0.389688 0.491967 0.434044   
wmt  0.366902 0.198630 0.263828 0.319360 0.219894 0.247071 0.389755 0.374912   

          dis     dwdp   ...        msft      nke      pfe       pg      trv  \
mmm  0.462545 0.508716   ...    0.476105 0.421223 0.415463 0.547120 0.603375   
axp  0.321093 0.310577   ...    0.316735 0.332977 0.347678 0.283407 0.348317   
aapl 0.411082 0.366782   ...    0.515070 0.367831 0.336592 0.398504 0.398234   
ba   0.469068 0.480226   ...    0.384549 0.438339 0.361405 0.446439 0.494575   
cat  0.370606 0.507920   ...    0.408757 0.270978 0.326920 0.325066 0.400747   
cvx  0.382306 0.511553   ...    0.421108 0.264115 0.331446 0.446879 0.444819   
csco 0.508937 0.376463   ...    0.547033 0.404063 0.385546 0.472846 0.480368   
ko   0.392950 0.366010   ...    0.447756 0.413838 0.313744 0.648127 0.565851   
dis  1.000000 0.382067   ...    0.424991 0.408103 0.356485 0.408050 0.493950   
dwdp 0.382067 1.000000   ...    0.390648 0.330948 0.386845 0.381064 0.398630   
xom  0.413049 0.528865   ...    0.381013 0.261822 0.393559 0.472696 0.458611   
ge   0.439649 0.522189   ...    0.473573 0.410971 0.445342 0.483043 0.534101   
gs   0.530469 0.516406   ...    0.481678 0.431778 0.469522 0.408332 0.595987   
hd   0.499179 0.401505   ...    0.466360 0.589866 0.434702 0.416016 0.539021   
ibm  0.437666 0.451718   ...    0.503634 0.373691 0.377783 0.462348 0.486039   
intc 0.448204 0.458106   ...    0.575219 0.361099 0.369463 0.482063 0.460161   
jnj  0.420901 0.387088   ...    0.450049 0.399004 0.539841 0.533692 0.537927   
jpm  0.519558 0.537495   ...    0.503728 0.444876 0.490482 0.439233 0.650665   
mcd  0.400755 0.405740   ...    0.466055 0.442589 0.364330 0.461105 0.484622   
mrk  0.335593 0.369009   ...    0.426253 0.324716 0.627815 0.405277 0.422551   
msft 0.424991 0.390648   ...    1.000000 0.432472 0.391766 0.529029 0.469158   
nke  0.408103 0.330948   ...    0.432472 1.000000 0.352429 0.407602 0.421295   
pfe  0.356485 0.386845   ...    0.391766 0.352429 1.000000 0.350306 0.425208   
pg   0.408050 0.381064   ...    0.529029 0.407602 0.350306 1.000000 0.538937   
trv  0.493950 0.398630   ...    0.469158 0.421295 0.425208 0.538937 1.000000   
utx  0.453444 0.466154   ...    0.442362 0.390931 0.420395 0.460609 0.541419   
unh  0.379571 0.347026   ...    0.393331 0.366389 0.513435 0.368229 0.488159   
vz   0.386168 0.392272   ...    0.422451 0.308569 0.340296 0.518935 0.524803   
v    0.507750 0.442284   ...    0.578375 0.504866 0.445418 0.487082 0.515457   
wmt  0.286537 0.227267   ...    0.296297 0.319530 0.320107 0.408323 0.343103   

          utx      unh       vz        v      wmt  
mmm  0.622896 0.415327 0.518359 0.508679 0.366902  
axp  0.420745 0.394836 0.257751 0.422300 0.198630  
aapl 0.412861 0.380555 0.360313 0.460721 0.263828  
ba   0.577625 0.406461 0.392023 0.450413 0.319360  
cat  0.532853 0.286811 0.371511 0.383362 0.219894  
cvx  0.462771 0.304064 0.458308 0.389688 0.247071  
csco 0.507467 0.350731 0.423041 0.491967 0.389755  
ko   0.443824 0.338421 0.549953 0.434044 0.374912  
dis  0.453444 0.379571 0.386168 0.507750 0.286537  
dwdp 0.466154 0.347026 0.392272 0.442284 0.227267  
xom  0.456081 0.315451 0.465522 0.401174 0.270553  
ge   0.584449 0.425390 0.449186 0.511206 0.322840  
gs   0.561730 0.483407 0.383752 0.560882 0.244444  
hd   0.501806 0.474290 0.434758 0.556254 0.411954  
ibm  0.578989 0.288833 0.486273 0.494947 0.321066  
intc 0.509872 0.363283 0.415477 0.481513 0.266699  
jnj  0.495121 0.433377 0.486792 0.501066 0.383328  
jpm  0.571778 0.473782 0.411547 0.573017 0.307874  
mcd  0.361627 0.330164 0.443577 0.467071 0.330785  
mrk  0.442122 0.436067 0.420943 0.453722 0.333088  
msft 0.442362 0.393331 0.422451 0.578375 0.296297  
nke  0.390931 0.366389 0.308569 0.504866 0.319530  
pfe  0.420395 0.513435 0.340296 0.445418 0.320107  
pg   0.460609 0.368229 0.518935 0.487082 0.408323  
trv  0.541419 0.488159 0.524803 0.515457 0.343103  
utx  1.000000 0.414102 0.487036 0.496608 0.382856  
unh  0.414102 1.000000 0.292023 0.414639 0.325556  
vz   0.487036 0.292023 1.000000 0.433601 0.396167  
v    0.496608 0.414639 0.433601 1.000000 0.314725  
wmt  0.382856 0.325556 0.396167 0.314725 1.000000  

[30 rows x 30 columns] Visualizing the correlation coefficients

In [57]:
syms = Prices.columns
N = len(syms)
for i in range(0,N):
    for j in range(0,N):
        gca = plt.plot(Returns[syms[i]],Returns[syms[j]],'.',ms=1,alpha=0.5)
In [58]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11c6fb908>

7.5 Return versus Volatility

In [59]:
for s in Returns.columns.values.tolist():
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))

plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev')
plt.xlabel('Annualized Standard Deviation')
plt.ylabel('Annualized Linear Return')

7.5.1 Creating Portfolios

A portfolio is created by allocating current wealth among a collection of assets. Let $w_n$ be the fraction of wealth allocated to the $n^{th}$ asset from a set of $N$ assets. Then

$$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n = 1$$

It may be possible to borrow assets, in which case the corresponding $w_n$ is negative. A long only portfolio is one such that all of weights $w_n$ are greater than or equal to zero. Mean Return and Variance of a Portfolio

Denoting the total value of the portfolio as V, the value invested in asset $n$ is $w_nV$. At a price $S_n$, the number of units of the asset is $\frac{w_nV}{S_n}$ for a total value

$$ V = \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{w_n V}{S_n}S_n $$

at the start of the investment period. The value of the investment at the end of the period, $V'$, is given by

$$ V' = \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{w_n V}{S_n}(1+r^{lin}_n)S_n $$

Taking differences we find

$$ V' - V = \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{w_n V}{S_n}r^{lin}_nS_n $$

which, after division, yields the return on the portfolio

$$ r^{lin}_p = \frac{V'-V}{V} = \sum_{n=1}^N w_nr^{lin}_n $$

Taking expectations, the mean return of the portfolio

$$\boxed{\bar{r}^{lin}_{p} = \sum_{n=1}^N w_n \bar{r}^{lin}_n}$$

Variance of portfolio return

$$\boxed{\sigma_{p}^2 = \sum_{m=1}^N\sum_{n=1}^N w_m w_n \sigma_{mn}}$$

7.5.2 Examples of Portfolios with Two Assets

In [60]:
N_examples = 4

for i in range(0,N_examples):
    a,b = random.sample(Prices.columns.values.tolist(),2)

    for w in np.linspace(0.0,1.0,100):
        V = w*Prices[a] + (1-w)*Prices[b]
        returnsV = (V.diff()/V.shift(1))
        rV = returnsV.mean()
        sV = returnsV.std()
    for s in (a,b):
        plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))


    plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev for selected assets')
    plt.xlabel('Standard Deviation')
    plt.ylabel('Linear Return')

7.5.3 Minimum Risk Portfolio

The minimum variance portfolio is found as a solution to $$\min_{w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_N} \sum_{m=1}^N\sum_{n=1}^N w_m w_n\sigma_{mn}$$ subject to $$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n = 1$$ Pyomo Model and Solution

In [81]:
from pyomo.environ import *

# data
N = len(Returns.columns.values.tolist())
STOCKS = Returns.columns

# pyomo model
m = ConcreteModel()
m.w = Var(STOCKS,domain=Reals)

# expression for objective function
portfolio_var = sum(m.w[i]*sigma.loc[i,j]*m.w[j] for i in STOCKS for j in STOCKS)
portfolio_ret = sum(m.w[i]*rlin[i] for i in STOCKS)
m.OBJ = Objective(expr=portfolio_var, sense=minimize)

# constraints
m.cons = ConstraintList()
m.cons.add(sum(m.w[i] for i in STOCKS) == 1)

# solve

# display solutions
w = pd.Series([m.w[i]() for i in STOCKS], STOCKS)
plt.title('Weights for a minimum variance portfolio')
In [82]:
for s in STOCKS:
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))


plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev')
plt.xlabel('Annualized Standard Deviation')
plt.ylabel('Annualized Linear Return')
plt.grid() Out-of-Sample Simulation

In [92]:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2441             try:
-> 2442                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2443             except KeyError:

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5280)()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5126)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20523)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20477)()

KeyError: 'jpm'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-92-13bd3942c560> in <module>()
----> 1 PricesSim['jpm']

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   1962             return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
   1963         else:
-> 1964             return self._getitem_column(key)
   1966     def _getitem_column(self, key):

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_column(self, key)
   1969         # get column
   1970         if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 1971             return self._get_item_cache(key)
   1973         # duplicate columns & possible reduce dimensionality

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_item_cache(self, item)
   1643         res = cache.get(item)
   1644         if res is None:
-> 1645             values = self._data.get(item)
   1646             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
   1647             cache[item] = res

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in get(self, item, fastpath)
   3589             if not isnull(item):
-> 3590                 loc = self.items.get_loc(item)
   3591             else:
   3592                 indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isnull(self.items)]

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2442                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2443             except KeyError:
-> 2444                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   2446         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5280)()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5126)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20523)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20477)()

KeyError: 'jpm'
In [89]:
V = pd.Series(0,index=PricesSim.index)
for s in STOCKS:
    V += (100.0*float(w[s])/PricesSim[s][0])*PricesSim[s]
for s in STOCKS:
    S = pd.Series(100.0*PricesSim[s]/PricesSim[s][0])

plt.legend(loc='upper right',bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0))
plt.title('Portfolio Dynamics w/o Rebalancing')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Price/Value')
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2441             try:
-> 2442                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2443             except KeyError:

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5280)()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5126)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20523)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20477)()

KeyError: 'jpm'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-89-fd40668052ed> in <module>()
      2 for s in STOCKS:
      3     print(s)
----> 4     V += (100.0*float(w[s])/PricesSim[s][0])*PricesSim[s]
      6 V.plot(lw=5,figsize=(10,6),color='red')

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   1962             return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
   1963         else:
-> 1964             return self._getitem_column(key)
   1966     def _getitem_column(self, key):

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_column(self, key)
   1969         # get column
   1970         if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 1971             return self._get_item_cache(key)
   1973         # duplicate columns & possible reduce dimensionality

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_item_cache(self, item)
   1643         res = cache.get(item)
   1644         if res is None:
-> 1645             values = self._data.get(item)
   1646             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
   1647             cache[item] = res

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in get(self, item, fastpath)
   3589             if not isnull(item):
-> 3590                 loc = self.items.get_loc(item)
   3591             else:
   3592                 indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isnull(self.items)]

/Users/jeff/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2442                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2443             except KeyError:
-> 2444                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   2446         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5280)()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/_libs/index.c:5126)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20523)()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20477)()

KeyError: 'jpm'
In [49]:
for s in Returns.columns.values.tolist():
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))

plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev for selected assets')
plt.xlabel('Standard Deviation')
plt.ylabel('Linear Return')

ReturnsV = (V.diff()/V.shift(1))
rlinMinVar = ReturnsV.mean()
stdevMinVar = ReturnsV.std()
plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdevMinVar,252.0*rlinMinVar,'   Min. Var. Portfolio')
Text(0.0708892,0.224943,'   Min. Var. Portfolio')

7.5.4 Markowitz Portfolio

The minimum variance portfolio does a good job of handling volatility, but at the expense of relatively low return. The Markowitz portfolio adds an additional constraint to specify mean portfolio return. $$\min_{w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_N} \sum_{m=1}^N\sum_{n=1}^N w_m w_n\sigma_{mn}$$ subject to $$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n = 1$$ and $$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n \bar{r}^{lin}_n = \bar{r}^{lin}_p$$ By programming the solution of the optimization problem as a function of $\bar{r}_p$, it is possible to create a risk-return tradeoff curve.

In [51]:
# cvxpy problem description
w = cvx.Variable(N)
r = cvx.Parameter()

risk = cvx.quad_form(w, np.array(sigma))
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(risk), 
               [cvx.sum_entries(w) == 1, 
                np.array(rlin).T*w == r,
               w >= 0])

# lists to store results of parameter scans
r_data = []
stdev_data = []
w_data = []

# scan solution as function of portfolio return
for rp in np.linspace(rlin.min(),3.0*rlin.max(),100):
    r.value = rp
    s = prob.solve()
    if prob.status == "optimal":
        w_data.append([u[0,0] for u in w.value])


# plot tradeoff curve
plt.plot(np.sqrt(252.0)*np.array(stdev_data), 252.0*np.array(r_data), lw=3)
for s in syms:
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252.0*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))

plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdevMinVar,252.0*rlinMinVar,'   Min. Var. Portfolio')

plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev for Markowitz Portfolio')
plt.xlabel('Standard Deviation')
plt.ylabel('Linear Return')
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-17cf03b2a1ed> in <module>()
      1 # cvxpy problem description
----> 2 w = cvx.Variable(N)
      3 r = cvx.Parameter()
      5 risk = cvx.quad_form(w, np.array(sigma))

NameError: name 'cvx' is not defined
In [82]:
# plot portfolio weights
w_data = np.array(w_data)
for i in range(N):
    plt.plot(r_data,w_data.T[i]) Out of Sample Simulation

In [46]:
end =
start = end - datetime.timedelta(3*365)

PricesSim = pd.DataFrame()
for s in syms:
    PricesSim[s] = web.DataReader(s,'yahoo',start,end)['Adj Close']
In [48]:
V = pd.Series((100.0*float(w.value[0])/PricesSim.ix[0,0])*PricesSim.ix[:,0])
for n in range(1,N):
    V += (100.0*float(w.value[n])/PricesSim.ix[0,n])*PricesSim.ix[:,n]

for s in PricesSim.columns.values.tolist():
    S = pd.Series(100.0*PricesSim[s]/PricesSim[s][0])

plt.title('Portfolio Dynamics w/o Rebalancing')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Price/Value')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-58b790cb0a82> in <module>()
----> 1 V = pd.Series((100.0*float(w.value[0])/PricesSim.ix[0,0])*PricesSim.ix[:,0])
      2 for n in range(1,N):
      3     V += (100.0*float(w.value[n])/PricesSim.ix[0,n])*PricesSim.ix[:,n]
      5 V.plot(lw=5,figsize=(10,6))

TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

7.5.5 Risk-Free Asset

The minimum variance portfolio does a good job of handling volatility, but at the expense of relatively low return. The Markowitz portfolio adds an additional constraint to specify mean portfolio return. $$\min_{w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_N} \sum_{m=1}^N\sum_{n=1}^N w_m w_n\sigma_{mn}$$ subject to $$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n = 1 - w_f$$ and $$\sum_{n=1}^N w_n \bar{r}^{lin}_n + w_f r_f = \bar{r}^{lin}_p$$ By programming the solution of the optimization problem as a function of $\bar{r}_p$, it is possible to create a risk-return tradeoff curve.

In [54]:
# cvxpy problem description

m = ConcreteModel()

m.w = Var(range(0,N), domain = Reals)
In [107]:
w = cvx.Variable(N)
wf = cvx.Variable(1)
r = cvx.Parameter()

rf = 0.01/252.0

risk = cvx.quad_form(w, np.array(sigma))
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(risk), 
               [cvx.sum_entries(w) == 1 - wf, 
                np.array(rlin).T*w + wf*rf == r,
               w >= 0])

# lists to store results of parameter scans
r_data_rf = []
stdev_data_rf = []
w_data_rf = []

# scan solution as function of portfolio return
for rp in np.linspace(np.min(rf,rlin.min()),1.5*rlin.max(),100):
    r.value = rp
    s = prob.solve()
    if prob.status == "optimal":
        w_data_rf.append([u[0,0] for u in w.value])

plt.plot(np.sqrt(252.0)*np.array(stdev_data_rf), 252.0*np.array(r_data_rf),lw=3)
plt.plot(np.sqrt(252.0)*np.array(stdev_data), 252.0*np.array(r_data),'g--')
for s in syms:
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252.0*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))
# find max Sharpe ratio
k = np.argmax(np.divide(np.array(r_data)-rf,np.array(stdev_data)))
smax = stdev_data[k]
rmax = r_data[k]
print 252.0*rmax
print 252.0*rf
print np.sqrt(252.0)*smax



wval = pd.Series(w_data[k],syms)

plt.title('Weights for a minimum variance portfolio')
In [ ]:
In [85]:
N = len(Prices.columns.values.tolist())

# create price history of the portfolio
V = pd.Series(0,index=Prices.index,name='Market')
for s in Prices.columns.values.tolist():
    V += (100.0*float(wval[s])/Prices[s][0])*Prices[s]

# plot components
for s in Prices.columns.values.tolist():
    S = pd.Series(100.0*Prices[s]/Prices[s][0])

plt.legend(loc='upper right',bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0))
plt.title('Portfolio Dynamics w/o Rebalancing')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Price/Value')
In [86]:
P['Market'] = V
Sigma = P.cov()
^dji     12.528858
^gspc     1.934181
mmm       0.197222
axp       0.120742
aapl      0.133096
ba        0.208771
cat       0.072742
cvx       0.051164
csco      0.016654
ko        0.016795
dis       0.136692
dd        0.086136
xom       0.053090
ge        0.020513
gs        0.154648
hd        0.086056
ibm      -0.047416
intc      0.046451
jnj       0.122271
jpm       0.054673
mcd       0.023521
mrk       0.067638
msft      0.068685
nke       0.121157
pfe       0.016580
pg        0.048426
trv       0.075682
utx       0.104676
unh       0.123136
vz        0.022144
v         0.065840
wmt       0.029284
Market    1.000000
Name: Market, dtype: float64

7.5.6 Maximum Log Return (to be developed).

In [353]:
import cvxpy as cvx

N = len(syms)

w = cvx.Variable(N)
risk = cvx.quad_form(w, np.array(sigma))
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(np.array(rlin).T*w-0.5*risk), 
               [cvx.sum_entries(w) == 1,
                risk <= 0.0005/np.sqrt(252.0),

print prob.status

for s in Returns.columns.values.tolist():
    plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdev[s],252*rlin[s],"  {0:5<s}".format(s))

plt.title('Linear Return versus stdev for selected assets')
plt.xlabel('Standard Deviation')
plt.ylabel('Linear Return')

plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdevMinVar,252.0*rlinMinVar,'   Min. Var. Portfolio')

wval = np.array(w.value)[:,0].T
rlog =,wval)
stdevlog = np.sqrt(,np.array(sigma)),wval))

plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdevlog,252.0*rlog,'  Max. Return Portfolio')
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-353-221d4f60194f> in <module>()
     28 plt.text(np.sqrt(252.0)*stdevMinVar,252.0*rlinMinVar,'   Min. Var. Portfolio')
---> 30 wval = np.array(w.value)[:,0].T
     31 rlog =,wval)
     32 stdevlog = np.sqrt(,np.array(sigma)),wval))

IndexError: too many indices for array

7.5.7 Exercises

  1. Modify the minimum variance portfolio to be 'long-only', and add a diversification constraints that no more than 20% of the portfolio can be invested in any single asset. How much does this change the annualized return? the annualized standard deviation?

  2. Modify the Markowitz portfolio to allow long-only positions and a diversification constraint that no more than 20% of the portfolio can be invested in any single asset. What conclusion to you draw?

In [ ]:
In [ ]: