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4.4 Estimation and Anamoly Detection

This is an advanced topic ...

This notebook provides what you will need to implement one meaans for controller diagnositics.

In the context of control, the control variable (CV) is heater temperature, the measured process variable (PV) is the sensor temperature, and we haven't yet established the relationship between them.

4.4.1 State-Space Model

The same model can be written in a state-space matrix/vector format:

\begin{align} \frac{dx}{dt} & = A x + B_u u + B_d d \\ y & = C x \end{align}


$$x = \begin{bmatrix} T_{H,1} \\ T_{S,1} \end{bmatrix} \qquad u = \begin{bmatrix} u_1 \end{bmatrix} \qquad d = \begin{bmatrix} T_{amb} \end{bmatrix} \qquad y = \begin{bmatrix} T_{S,1} \end{bmatrix}$$


$$A = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{U_a+U_b}{C^H_p} & \frac{U_b}{C^H_p} \\ \frac{U_b}{C^S_p} & -\frac{U_b}{C^S_p} \end{bmatrix} \qquad B_u = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\alpha P_1}{C^H_p} \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \qquad B_d = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{U_a}{C_p^H} \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \qquad C = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

By common convention, in state-space models the vector $x$ contains all variables representing the state of the system. The input vector $u$ is reserved for all manipulated variables (MV's), and the input vector $d$ for all disturbance variables (DV's). The vector $y$ holds all measured process variables (PV's). Prediction and Correction

Making the substitution $\hat{y} = C\hat{x}$, the observer equation becomes

\begin{align*} \frac{d\hat{x}}{dt} & = \underbrace{A \hat{x} + B_u u + B_d \hat{d}}_{\text{prediction}} - \underbrace{L(\hat{y} - y)}_{\text{correction}} \end{align*}

As before, we can try approximating the derivative with a first order difference formula over small intervals of time. One clever detail is to choose the start of the interval, time $t_{k-1}$, to evaluate the model prediction part of the obsever equation, and use the process measurement available at end of the interval, time $t_k$, to evaluate the correction term.

$$\frac{\hat{x}_{k} - \hat{x}_{k-1}}{t_k - t_{k-1}} = \underbrace{A \hat{x}_{k-1} + B_u u_{k-1} + B_d \hat{d}_{k-1}}_{\text{prediction at time $t_{k-1}$}} - \underbrace{L(\hat{y}_k - y_k)}_{\text{correction at time $t_k$}}$$

For this purpose we introduce some extra notation. We use $\hat{x}_{k-1}$ to represent the state estimate at time $t_{k-1}$ using all information up to time $t_{k-1}$. Given knowledge of the manipulated inputs $u_{k-1}$ and an estimate of the disturbances $\hat{d}_{k-1}$, we will use the model to create a predicted state $\hat{x}_k^{pred}$ for time $t_k$. A measurement is then taken at time $t_k$ which is used to produce a new estimate $\hat{x}_k$.

At each time step $t_k$ there are two calculations to perform:

\begin{align} \hat{x}_k^{pred} & = \hat{x}_{k-1} + (t_k - t_{k-1}) ( A \hat{x}_{k-1} + B_u u_{k-1} + B_d \hat{d}_{k-1}) \\ \hat{y}_k^{pred} & = C \hat{x}_k^{pred} \end{align} $$\hat{x}_{k} = \hat{x}_{k}^{pred} - (t_k - t_{k-1})L (\hat{y}_{k}^{pred} - y_k)$$

While the notation may be a little daunting, the underlying concepts are quite straightforward. At each time step we have two calculations to perform. First, use all available information to predict the current state using the process model. Second, when a measurement becomes available, compare the measure to the model prediction and apply an appropriate correction to the state estimate.

Let's see how this works in practice. The next cell introduces tclab_observer, a Python generator that creates instances of observers using the two-state model.

4.4.2 Testing

The first experiment is to test if the observer can converge to the measured temperature. We will start with a very bad initial estimate.

Study Question:

4.4.3 Choosing L

As this example has made clear, we need a notation that distinguishes the actual state of the physical system from our best estimate of that state. We will use $\hat{x}$ to denote our best estimate of $x$, and use $\hat{y}$ to denote the measurement that would result from $\hat{x}$. We can write two systems of equations corresponding to the dynamics of the actual process and to a model of the process.

We have made a bold assumption that the equatons and coefficients in these systems are the same. Any differences are due to different values for the states $x$ and $\hat{x}$, and differences between unmeasured process disturbances $d$ and our estimate for those disturbances, $\hat{d}$.

As we learned from the example, the problem with using this formulation for the feedback control of unmeasured states is that we are neglecting available measurements. This is a obvious oversight. How can this be addressed?

A brilliant answer to this question was given by David Luenberger in the early 1960's while a graduate student at Stanford University. The answer was to modify the second system of equations to include a corrective action due to differences between actual process measurements and predictions of what those measurments should be.

The idea is that if predicted measurements $\hat{y}$ are different from the actual measurements $y$, then corrective action will be imposed to modify the state estimates. In a sense, this is imposing feedback control on our process model to cause the model states to track the actual process states. We will need find values for a matrrix $L$ (after Luenberger?) to make this work.

Taking the difference between predicted and actual measurements, we find

\begin{align*} \hat{y} - y & = C \hat{x} - C x \\ & = C\underbrace{(\hat{x} - x)}_e \end{align*}

where $e = \hat{x} - x$ is error in our prediction of the state. Subtracting the new model equations from the process model, we get an expression for the dynamics of the model error $e = \hat{x} - x$

\begin{align*} \frac{de}{dt} & = \frac{d\hat{x}}{dt} - \frac{dx}{dt} \\ \\ \frac{de}{dt} & = (A\hat{x} + B_u u + B_d \hat{d}) - (Ax + B_u u B_d d + L(C\hat{x} - C x)) \\ \\ \frac{de}{dt} & = (A - LC)(\hat{x} - x) + B_d(\hat{d} - d) \\ \\ \implies \frac{de}{dt} & = (A - LC) e + B_d(\hat{d} - d) \end{align*}

The choice of $L$ determines observer performance. What we seek is a matrix $L$ such that $A - LC$ results in error $e$ that quickly decays to zero.

4.4.4 Eigenvalues

Given a system

$$\frac{dx}{dt} = A x$$
  1. An eigenvalue $\lambda_i$ and eigenvector $u_i$ satisfy a relationship
$$A u_j = \lambda_j u_j$$
  1. Complex eigenvalues of real matrices come in complex conjugate pairs determine can be written
$$\lambda_{j,j+1} = \sigma \pm i \omega$$
  1. Each eigenvalue corresponds to a 'mode'

    • Real eigenvalues

      $$e^{\sigma t}$$

    • Each pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues corresponds to two modes

      $$e^{\sigma t}\sin(\omega t)$$

      $$e^{\sigma t}\cos{\omega t}$$

  2. The system is asympototically stable if and only if the eigenvalues of $A$ have negative real part.

Application to state space model

Study Question: Rerun the estimator simulation using:

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