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This notebook contains material from cbe30338-2021; content is available on Github.

< 5.98 Linear Production Model in Pyomo | Contents | Tag Index | 6.0 Predictive Control >

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5.99 Pyomo Examples

5.99.1 Pyomo Model

A Pyomo implementation of this blending model is shown in the next cell. The model is contained within a Python function so that it can be more easily reused for additional calculations, or eventually for use by the process operator.

Note that the pyomo library has been imported with the prefix pyomo. This is good programming practive to avoid namespace collisions with problem data.

5.99.2 Example: Nonlinear Optimization of Series Reaction in a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor

5.99.3 Example 19.3: Linear Programming Refinery

5.99.4 Example: Making Change

One of the important modeling features of Pyomo is the ability to index variables and constraints. The

5.99.5 Example: Linear Production Model with Constraints with Duals

< 5.98 Linear Production Model in Pyomo | Contents | Tag Index | 6.0 Predictive Control >

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