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< 6.4 Implementing Predictive Control | Contents | Tag Index | 7.0 Discrete Event Systems >

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6.5 Quiz Review for Chapters 5 and 6

6.5.1 Material covered

6.5.2 Learning Goals

You should be able to:

  1. Describe elements of an optimization problem:

    • Decision variables.
      • What are decision variables?
      • Types of decision variables: Real, Nonnegative, boolean, integer.
      • Typical onstraints on decision variables: Upper and lower bounds.
    • Constraints
      • Inequalities
      • Equalitis
      • Algebraic
      • Differential equations
      • Feasible regions
      • Active vs inactive constraints
    • Objective function
      • Types: Minimize, maximize
      • Objective functions are scalar functions of the decision variables
    • Types of optimization problems
      • Linear, Nonlinear
      • Integer
    • Outcomes
      • Feasible vs infeasible
      • Unbounded
      • Optimal solution
  2. Formulating Optimization problems

    • Blending problems
      • Decision variables represent how much of something will be used or created
      • There is usually a collection of underlying materials or resourcds that will be combined.
      • The objective function typically represents overall cost, profit, or property.
    • Procedure
      • Identify the index sets.
      • Create decision variables, one for each member of the index set
      • Establish upper and lower bounds, if they exist, for the decision variables
      • Define objective function
      • Define constraints
      • Create problem and solve
      • Display solution in ways that are meaningful to the application
    • Sensitivity Studies
  3. Predictive Control

    • Open-Loop optimization
      • Formulate and solve for the control trajectory
      • The state-space model provide equality constraints
    • Closed-loop predictive control
      • Observer/Estimator required to provide current values of the state
      • Solve an open-loop optimization to find control policy
      • Apply new control policy
      • Repeat the procedure when new measurement information is available

6.5.3 Exercises

  1. Study questions from Notebook 5.2.3
  2. Review the sensitivity analysis for Homework 4
  3. Review the medical application in this notebook
    • Be sure you can recode the same problem in CVXPY.
    • As stated, this is an open-loop opimization problem. Be sure you would know how to formulate the problem for predictive control. What would be the objective function? The constraints? The bounds on the decision variables?

< 6.4 Implementing Predictive Control | Contents | Tag Index | 7.0 Discrete Event Systems >

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