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This notebook contains material from cbe30338-2021; content is available on Github.

< 7.2 Agent Based Models | Contents | Tag Index | 7.4 Batch Chemical Process >

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7.3 Chemotaxis

Chemotaxis is a behavior exhibited by single organisms in response to gradients of certain chemicals. In the presence of gradient of an attractant or repellant, the normally random motion of cells changes causing a net movement towards or away from the source of the chemical. This behavior is contributes to foraging for feed, fleeing from poisons, or to serve the needs of a large organism in development, injury, infection, and reproduction.


By <a href="//;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Fortinda (page does not exist)">Fortinda</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

For many organisms such as E. coli, the movement consists of alternating tumbling and swimming phases. The tumbling results in a new random direction. If cell senses that it is moving in the 'right' direction (i.e., towards an attractant or away from a repellant), the swimming phase will last somewhat longer. The biochemical mechanisms for this behavior is part of a signal transduction pathways for chemotactic organisms.

7.3.1 Simulation with Simpy

Here we create a simulation of chemotaxis using Simpy. This is an exercise to demonstrate the utility of discrete-event simulation, so no attempt has been made to reproduce results from the current literature on the topic. See, for example.

Motivated by Brown and Berg (1974), we assume:

  1. We will confine this simulation to two dimesions, $x$ and $y$.
  2. The swimming motion consists of alternating 'twiddles' and straight runs. We assume a "twiddle time" of 0.1s.
  3. The twiddles result in a new random direction described by the angle $\theta$ relative to the $x$ axis.
  4. The run length depends on the temporal gradient experienced by the cell:
    • positive gradients increase the length of runs
    • negative gradients have little effect

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$$\tau = \begin{cases} \tau_0 & \text{for} & \nabla_{\|}C \leq 0 \\ \tau_0\left(1 + \frac{\nabla_{\|}C}{\nabla C_0}\right) & \text{for} & 0 < \nabla_{\|}C \leq \nabla C_0 \\ 2\tau_0 & \text{for} & \nabla_{\|}C > \nabla C_0 \end{cases}$$

where $\nabla C_0$ is the threshold gradient at which the maximum run time is reached, and $\nabla_{\|}C$ is a projection of the concentration gradient in the direction of swimming. We will assume E. coli swim at an average speed of 25$\mu$/s, and $\tau_0$ is one second.

< 7.2 Agent Based Models | Contents | Tag Index | 7.4 Batch Chemical Process >

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