None Notebook

This notebook contains material from nbpages by Jeffrey Kantor (jeff at The text is released under the CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 license. The code is released under the MIT license.

< 2.4 Working with Data and Figures | Contents | Tag Index |

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2.5 Lint

This notebook includes examples of 'lint' that is detected and reported by

nbpages --lint

2.5.1 Orphan headers

nbpages looks for headers in the first line of a markdown cell. Headers that don't appear in the first line are called 'orphans' and reported as lint. Here's an example of an orphan header:

This is an orphan header

2.5.2 Embedded HTML

HTML image and anchor tags should be replaced by the equivalent Markdown tags. The lint command reports a list of these HTML tags.

Embedded HTML anchors


Embedded HTML images

2.5.3 Output errors

< 2.4 Working with Data and Figures | Contents | Tag Index |

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