This notebook contains material from cbe30338-2021; content is available on Github.
The accompanying diagram shows how the code is organized to access the temperature contol laboratory using the TCLab library.
Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts: The highest level consists of the you code you write to implement control algorithms. This may be done in Jupyter/Python notebooks, or directly in Python using a development environment. This repository contains several examples, lessons, and student projects.
TCLab consists of a Python library entitled tclab
includes the TCLab()
class that creates an object to access to the device, an iterator clock
for synchronizing with a real time clock, Historian()
class to create objects for data logging, and a Plotter()
class to visualize data in real time.
TCLab-sketch: The TCLab-sketch github repository provides firmware to ensure intrisically safe operation of the Arduino board and shield. The sketch is downloaded to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE. Loading firmware to the Arduino is a one-time operation.
Arduino: The hardware platform for the Temperature Control Laboratory. The Python tools and libraries have been tested with the Arduino Leonardo boards.
The TCLab package is installed from a terminal window (MacOS) or command window (PC) with the command
pip install tclab
Alternatively, the installation can be performed from within a Jupyter/Python notebook with the command
!pip install tclab
There are occasional updates to the library. These can be installed by appending a --upgrade
to the above commands and demonstrated in the next cell.
!pip install tclab --upgrade
Requirement already up-to-date: tclab in /Users/jeff/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.4.9) Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pyserial in /Users/jeff/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tclab) (3.5)
Once installed, the tclab
package can be imported into Python and an instance created with the Python statements
from tclab import TCLab
lab = TCLab()
# do something
TCLab() attempts to find a device connected to a serial port and return a connection. An error is generated if no device is found. The connection must be closed when no longer in use.
from tclab import TCLab
lab = TCLab()
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. TCLab disconnected successfully.
The following cell demonstrates the process, and uses the tclab LED()
function to flash the LED on the Temperature Control Lab for a period of 10 seconds at a 100% brightness level.
from tclab import TCLab
lab = TCLab()
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. TCLab disconnected successfully.
statement¶The Python with
statement provides a convenient means of setting up and closing a connection to the Temperature Control Laboratory. In particular, the with statement establishes a context where a tclab instance is created, assigned to a variable, and automatically closed upon completion. The with
statement is the preferred way to connect the Temperature Control Laboratory for most uses.
from tclab import TCLab
with TCLab() as lab:
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. TCLab disconnected successfully.
Once a tclab instance is created and connected to a device the temperature sensors are acccessed with the attributes .T1
and .T2
. Given an instance named lab
, the temperatures are accessed as
T1 = lab.T1
T2 = lab.T2
Note that lab.T1
and lab.T2
are read-only properties. Attempt to assign a value will return a Python error.
from tclab import TCLab
with TCLab() as lab:
T1 = lab.T1
T2 = lab.T2
print(f"Temperature 1: {T1:0.2f} C")
print(f"Temperature 2: {T2:0.2f} C")
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Temperature 1: 25.31 C Temperature 2: 25.41 C TCLab disconnected successfully.
and .P2
¶Heater power is specified as a percentage of the maximum power available at each heater. The maximum power to each heater is determined by setting parameters .P1
and .P2
to number in the range 0 and 255. The default settings are
lab.P1 = 200
lab.P2 = 100
Based on laboratory measurements, the power delivered to each heater is approximately 14.5 mW per unit increase in .P1
and .P2
. For heater 1 at the default setting of 200, the power is
For heater 2 at the default setting of 100, the power is
$$ 100 \times 14.5 \text{mW} \times \frac{\text{1 watt}}{\text{1000 mW}} = 1.45\text{ watts}$$Note that the power delivered to the heaters for constant .P1
and .P2
is temperature dependent, and there will be some variation among units.
The default values for .P1
and .P2
were chosen to avoid unnecessarily high temperatures, and to include an asymmetric response between the two heaters.
from tclab import TCLab
with TCLab() as lab:
P1 = lab.P1
P2 = lab.P2
print(f"The maximum power of heater 1 is set to {P1:.0f} corresponding to {P1*0.0145:.2f} watts.")
print(f"The maximum power of heater 1 is set to {P2:.0f} corresponding to {P2*0.0145:.2f} watts.")
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. The maximum power of heater 1 is set to 200 corresponding to 2.90 watts. The maximum power of heater 1 is set to 100 corresponding to 1.45 watts. TCLab disconnected successfully.
and .Q2()
¶For legacy reasons, there are two ways to set the percentage of maximum power delivered to the heaters. The first way is to the functions.Q1()
and .Q2()
of a TCLab
instance. For example, both heaters can be set to 100% power with the functions
lab = TCLab()
The device firmware limits the heaters to a range of 0 to 100%. The current settiing may be accessed via
Q1 = lab.Q1()
Q2 = lab.Q2()
The LED on the temperature control laboratory will turns bright when either heater is on. Closing the TCLab instance turns the heaters off.
from tclab import TCLab
import time
with TCLab() as lab:
print(f"Starting Temperature 1: {lab.T1:0.2f} C")
print(f"Starting Temperature 2: {lab.T2:0.2f} C")
print(f"Set Heater 1: {lab.Q1()} %")
print(f"Set Heater 2: {lab.Q2()} %")
t_heat = 30
print(f"Heat for {t_heat} seconds")
print("Turn Heaters Off")
print("Set Heater 1:", lab.Q1(), "%")
print("Set Heater 2:", lab.Q2(), "%")
print(f"Final Temperature 1: {lab.T1:0.2f} C")
print(f"Final Temperature 2: {lab.T2:0.2f} C")
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Starting Temperature 1: 25.38 C Starting Temperature 2: 25.41 C Set Heater 1: 100.0 % Set Heater 2: 100.0 % Heat for 30 seconds Turn Heaters Off Set Heater 1: 0.0 % Set Heater 2: 0.0 % Final Temperature 1: 29.92 C Final Temperature 2: 27.99 C TCLab disconnected successfully.
and .U2
¶Alternatively, the percentage of maximum power delivered to the heaters can be set by assigning value to the .U1
and .U2
attributes of a TCLab
instances. Getting the value of .U1
and .U2
retrieves the current settings.
lab = TCLab()
print('Setting power levels on heaters 1 and 2')
lab.U1 = 50
lab.U2 = 25
print('Current power level on Heater 1 is: ', lab.U1, '%')
print('Current power level on Heater 1 is: ', lab.U2, '%')
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Setting power levels on heaters 1 and 2 Current power level on Heater 1 is: 50.0 % Current power level on Heater 1 is: 25.0 % TCLab disconnected successfully.
¶The tclab
module includes clock
for synchronizing calculations with real time. clock(t_period, t_step)
generates a sequence of evenly spaced time step over a periodt_period
seconds that are t_step
seconds apart. If t_step
is omitted then the default time step is set to 1 second.
from tclab import clock
t_period = 6
t_step = 2
for t in clock(t_period, t_step):
print(t, "sec.")
0 sec. 2.0 sec. 4.0 sec. 6.0 sec.
There are some considerations to keep in mind when using clock
. Most important, by its nature Python is not a real-time environment. clock
makes a best effort to stay in sync with evenly spaced ticks of the real time clock. If, for some reason, the loop falls behind the real time clock, then the generator will skip over the event to get back in sync with the real time clock. Thus the total number of iterations may be less than expected. This behavior is demonstrated in the following cell.
from tclab import TCLab, clock
import time
t_period = 12
t_step = 2
for t in clock(t_period, t_step):
print(t, "sec.")
# insert a long time out between 3 and 5 seconds into the event loop
if (t > 3) and (t < 5):
0 sec. 2.0 sec. 4.0 sec. 8.0 sec. 10.0 sec. 12.0 sec.
with TCLab¶The following cell demonstrates use of clock
to perform a short experiment.
from tclab import TCLab, clock
# length of the experiment in seconds
t_period = 20
with TCLab() as lab:
# turn heaters on to 100%
print(f"Set Heater 1 to {lab.Q1():.1f} %")
print(f"Set Heater 2 to {lab.Q2():.1f} %")
# print temperatures each second for tperiod seconds
for t in clock(t_period):
print(f"{t:5.1f} sec: T1 = {lab.T1:4.1f} C T2 = {lab.T2:4.1f} C")
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Set Heater 1 to 100.0 % Set Heater 2 to 100.0 % 0.0 sec: T1 = 34.8 C T2 = 31.0 C 1.0 sec: T1 = 34.8 C T2 = 31.6 C 2.0 sec: T1 = 34.8 C T2 = 31.6 C 3.0 sec: T1 = 34.9 C T2 = 31.2 C 4.0 sec: T1 = 35.0 C T2 = 31.4 C 5.0 sec: T1 = 35.1 C T2 = 31.6 C 6.0 sec: T1 = 35.1 C T2 = 32.0 C 7.0 sec: T1 = 35.2 C T2 = 32.0 C 8.0 sec: T1 = 35.3 C T2 = 31.6 C 9.0 sec: T1 = 35.4 C T2 = 31.8 C 10.0 sec: T1 = 35.4 C T2 = 32.0 C 11.0 sec: T1 = 35.7 C T2 = 32.4 C 12.0 sec: T1 = 35.7 C T2 = 32.4 C 13.0 sec: T1 = 35.9 C T2 = 32.4 C 14.0 sec: T1 = 36.0 C T2 = 32.5 C 15.0 sec: T1 = 36.1 C T2 = 32.3 C 16.0 sec: T1 = 36.4 C T2 = 32.3 C 17.0 sec: T1 = 36.4 C T2 = 32.8 C 18.0 sec: T1 = 36.7 C T2 = 33.0 C 19.0 sec: T1 = 36.9 C T2 = 33.0 C 20.0 sec: T1 = 37.0 C T2 = 32.8 C TCLab disconnected successfully.
¶The Historian
class provides means for logging process data to a database.
Given a list sources
of data sources and methods to access the data, Historian(sources)
creates an historian that logs data to database on each call to .update()
. Given an instance lab
of a TCLab object, lab.sources
is a default list of data sources and methods for logging temperatures lab.T1
and lab.T2
and power settings lab.U1
and lab.U2
lab = TCLab()
h = Historian(lab.sources)
The historian automatically initializes a database to log the process data. The database is updated by issuing a command
where t
is variable containing the current time.
To demonstrate, the following cell logs 10 seconds of data with time varying power level applied to heater 1. When the experiment is over, h.to_csv
saves the data to a file that be imported in python or a spreadsheet application.
from tclab import TCLab, clock, Historian
with TCLab() as lab:
h = Historian(lab.sources)
for t in clock(10):
lab.Q1(100 if t <= 5 else 0)
TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. TCLab disconnected successfully.
Once saved, data can be read and plotted using the Pandas Data Analysis Library as demonstrated in this cell.
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
data.index = data['Time']
data[['Q1', 'Q2']].plot(grid=True)
Time T1 T2 Q1 Q2 Time 0.00 0.00 37.979 33.306 100.0 0.0 1.00 1.00 38.301 33.467 100.0 0.0 2.01 2.01 38.397 33.467 100.0 0.0 3.01 3.01 38.623 33.757 100.0 0.0 4.00 4.00 38.784 33.789 100.0 0.0 5.00 5.00 38.945 33.821 100.0 0.0 6.00 6.00 39.268 34.111 0.0 0.0 7.00 7.00 39.268 34.111 0.0 0.0 8.00 8.00 39.461 34.111 0.0 0.0 9.00 9.00 39.590 34.144 0.0 0.0 10.00 10.00 39.687 34.208 0.0 0.0
¶The Plotter
class adds a real time plotting of experimental data. A plotter is created from an instance of an historian as follows
h = Historian(lab.sources)
p = Plotter(h)
Updating the plotter also updates the associated historian.
The following example shows how this works.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tclab import TCLab, clock, Historian, Plotter
with TCLab() as lab:
h = Historian(lab.sources)
p = Plotter(h, 10)
for t in clock(10):
lab.Q1(100 if t <= 5 else 0)
TCLab disconnected successfully.
The tclab
library includes a simulation capability. This is useful for circumstances when it isn't possible to access the hardware. The followinig cell demonstrated the use of setup
to use the library in simulation mode. The argument connected
is set to True
if the hardware is connected, otherwise False
. Simulation mode allows the use of the speedup
parameter to run experiments at some multiple of real time.
%matplotlib inline
from tclab import clock, setup, Historian, Plotter
t_period = 120
TCLab = setup(connected=False, speedup=20)
with TCLab() as lab:
h = Historian(lab.sources)
p = Plotter(h, t_period)
for t in clock(t_period):
lab.Q1(100 if t % 20 <= 5 else 0)
TCLab Model disconnected successfully.
import tclab
print("Version = ", tclab.__version__)
Version = 0.4.9 Checking connection ------------------- Looking for Arduino on any port... Arduino Leonardo found on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 Testing TCLab object in debug mode ---------------------------------- TCLab version 0.4.9 Sent: "Q1 0" Return: "0.000" Sent: "VER" Return: "TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro" Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Sent: "Q2 0" Return: "0.000" Reading temperature Sent: "T1" Return: "42.200" 42.2 Sent: "Q1 0" Return: "0.000" Sent: "Q2 0" Return: "0.000" Sent: "X" Return: "Stop" TCLab disconnected successfully. Testing TCLab functions ----------------------- TCLab version 0.4.9 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem14401 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Testing LED. Should turn on for 10 seconds. Countdown: 0 Reading temperatures T1 = 41.201 °C, T2 = 35.723 °C Writing fractional value to heaters... We wrote Q1 = 0.5, and read back Q1 = 0.5 We will now turn on the heaters, wait 30 seconds and see if the temperatures have gone up. Countdown: 0 T1 started a 41.201 °C and went to 43.264 °C T2 started a 35.723 °C and went to 38.204 °C Throughput check ---------------- This part checks how fast your unit is We will read T1 as fast as possible Time elapsed: 9.96 s. Number of reads: 148. Sampling rate: 14.85 Hz TCLab disconnected successfully. Diagnostics complete
Create a new Jupyter notebook (i.e, don't reuse this one, start with a fresh notebook!). Title the notebook "Lab Assignment 1" as first level header, and add your name as a second level header. When you are finished with the assignment, either export as pdf or print as a pdf file, and submit your work via GradeScope.
Run the diagnostic code and include the cell output in your notebook.
Using the Historian to save your data, and Plotter to display your data, perform a step change on Heater 1, raising the power input from 0% to 60% of full power. Collect at least 600 seconds of data for temperatures T1 and T2. Plot the results.
Examine the step test results for T1. Estimate
Use the estimated parameters to create a simulation of the heater temperature, and compare to the measured results.
Examine the data for the response of temperature T2 due to a step change in heater 1. Does that appear to be the response of a first-order linear system? How does it differ? Can you still estimate a gain?