2.7. Non-Continuous Objectives#

Keywords: linear programming, cbc usage, production models

This notebook demonstrates the use of linear programming to maximize profit for a simple model of a multiproduct production facility. The notebook uses Pyomo to represent the model with the COINOR-CBC solver to calculate solutions.

2.7.1. Imports#

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import shutil
import sys
import os.path

if not shutil.which("pyomo"):
    !pip install -q pyomo

if not (shutil.which("cbc") or os.path.isfile("cbc")):
    if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
        !apt-get install -y -qq coinor-cbc
            !conda install -c conda-forge coincbc 

assert(shutil.which("cbc") or os.path.isfile("cbc"))

from pyomo.environ import *

2.7.2. Example: Production Bonuses#

A plant produces three products in the amounts \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) with unit profit of \\(40, \\\)30, and \$50, respectively. There are several constraints imposed by product demand and the availability of specialized labor

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} x & \leq 40 \\ x + y & \leq 80 \\ 2x + z & \leq 100 \\ z & \leq 50 \end{align*} \end{split}\]

In addition, the plant receives bonuses for meeting certain production targets

  • If the plant produces more than 20 \(y\) items, then the unit profit for \(y\) will be \\(50 plus a fixed bonus of \\\)200.

  • If the plant produces more than 30 \(z\) items, then the unit profit for \(z\) will be \\(60 plus a fixed bonus of \\\)300.

Find the optimal production targets.

2.7.3. Model 1. Without bonuses#

from pyomo.environ import *

model = ConcreteModel()
model.x = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.y = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.z = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)

model.profit = Objective(expr = 40*model.x + 30*model.y + 50*model.z, sense=maximize)
model.demand = Constraint(expr = model.x <= 40)
model.laborA = Constraint(expr = model.x + model.y <= 80)
model.laborB = Constraint(expr = 2*model.x + model.z <= 100)
model.laborC = Constraint(expr = model.z <= 50)

# solve
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: -5150.0
  Upper bound: -5150.0
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 5
  Number of variables: 4
  Number of nonzeros: 2
  Sense: maximize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  User time: -1.0
  System time: 0.0
  Wallclock time: 0.0
  Termination condition: optimal
  Termination message: Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available.
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: None
      Number of created subproblems: None
    Black box: 
      Number of iterations: 1
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.02187371253967285
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0

The results of the solution step show the solver has converged to an optimal solution. Next we display the particular components of the model of interest to us.

print(f"Profit = ${model.profit()}")
print(f"X = {model.x()} units")
print(f"Y = {model.y()} units")
print(f"Z = {model.z()} units")
Profit = $5150.0
X = 25.0 units
Y = 55.0 units
Z = 50.0 units

2.7.4. Model 2. Include bonuses#

To incorporate the bonus structure into the objective function, we introduce new decision variables

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} y & = y_0 + y_1 \\ z & = z_0 + z_1 \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]

where \(y\) and \(z\) denote total production, and \(y_1\) and \(z_1\) denote production above bonus levels. In addition, we introduce two binary variables, \(b_y\) and \(b_z\), to indicate when \(y\) or \(z\), respectively, are in a bonus condition.

The profit objective becomes (after some arithmetic)

\[ P = 40x + 30y_0 + 50y_1 + 600 b_y + 50z_0 + 60 z_1 + 600 b_z \]

For a sufficiently large value of \(M\), the constraints

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} y_1 & \leq M b_y \\ z_1 & \leq M b_z \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]
\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} y_0 & \leq 20 \\ y_0 & \geq 20 - M(1-b_y) \end{align*} \end{split}\]
\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} z_0 & \leq 30 \\ z_0 & \geq 30 - M(1-b_z) \end{align*} \end{split}\]

enforce the bonus conditions.

Let’s verify this formulation and new objective before proceeding further.

y = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
profit_y = [30*_ if _ <= 20 else (50*_ + 200) for _ in y]

y0 = np.array([min(20, _) for _ in y])
y1 = y - y0
by = np.array([1 if _ > 0 else 0 for _ in y1])
bonus_y  = 30*y0 + 50*y1 + 600*by

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

ax[0,0].plot(y, y0, label='y0')
ax[0,0].plot(y, y1, label='y1')
ax[0,0].plot(y, y0 + y1, '--', label='y')

ax[1,0].plot(y, profit_y)
ax[1,0].plot(y, bonus_y)

z = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
profit_z = [50*_ if _ <= 30 else (60*_ + 300) for _ in z]

z0 = np.array([min(30, _) for _ in z])
z1 = z - z0
bz = np.array([1 if _ > 0 else 0 for _ in z1])
bonus_z = 50*z0 + 60*z1 + 600*bz

ax[0,1].plot(z, z0, label='z0')
ax[0,1].plot(z, z1, label='z1')
ax[0,1].plot(z, z0 + z1, '--', label='z')

ax[1,1].plot(y, profit_z)
ax[1,1].plot(y, bonus_z)


The corresponding Pyomo model follows. Note that this could be streamlined in various ways.

from pyomo.environ import *

M = 100

model = ConcreteModel()

model.x = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)

model.y = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.y0 = Var(bounds=(0, 20))
model.y1 = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.by = Var(domain=Binary)

model.z = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.z0 = Var(bounds=(0, 30))
model.z1 = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.bz = Var(domain=Binary)

model.profit = Objective(sense=maximize, expr = 
                         + 40*model.x \
                         + 30*model.y0 + 50*model.y1 + 600*model.by \
                         + 50*model.z0 + 60*model.z1 + 600*model.bz)

model.dy = Constraint(expr = model.y == model.y0 + model.y1)
model.dz = Constraint(expr = model.z == model.z0 + model.z1)

model.demand = Constraint(expr = model.x <= 40)
model.laborA = Constraint(expr = model.x + model.y <= 80)
model.laborB = Constraint(expr = 2*model.x + model.z <= 100)
model.laborC = Constraint(expr = model.z <= 50)

model.bonus_y0 = Constraint(expr = model.y0 >= 20 - M*(1 - model.by))
model.bonus_z0 = Constraint(expr = model.z0 >= 30 - M*(1 - model.bz))
model.bonus_y1 = Constraint(expr = model.y1 <= M*model.by)
model.bonus_z1 = Constraint(expr = model.z1 <= M*model.bz)

# solve
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: -7500.0
  Upper bound: -7500.0
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 7
  Number of variables: 8
  Number of binary variables: 2
  Number of integer variables: 2
  Number of nonzeros: 7
  Sense: maximize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  User time: -1.0
  System time: 0.05
  Wallclock time: 0.06
  Termination condition: optimal
  Termination message: Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available.
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
    Black box: 
      Number of iterations: 0
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.08483672142028809
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0
print(f"Profit = ${model.profit()}")
print(f"X = {model.x()} units")
print(f"Y = {model.y0()} + {model.y1()} = {model.y()} units  {model.by()}")
print(f"Z = {model.z0()} + {model.z1()} = {model.z()} units  {model.bz()}")
Profit = $7500.0
X = 0.0 units
Y = 20.0 + 60.0 = 80.0 units  1.0
Z = 30.0 + 20.0 = 50.0 units  1.0


This particular formulation leaves much to be desired.

  • The main thing is a lack of numerical robustness on the constraints for \(z_0\) and \(y_0\). * * It would also be useful to parameterize and general the bonus structure.

  • The big M method often yields redundant constraints and numerical performance that depends on the choice of M. Generalized disjunctive constraints provide more solution options.

2.7.6. Exercise#

Reformulate this model using the Pyomo.GDP package. Parameterize values for the profit objective, bonus amounts, and bonus levels.