4.6. Unit Commitment#

Keywords: semi-continuous variables, cbc usage, gdp, disjunctive programming

4.6.1. Imports#

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, HTML

import shutil
import sys
import os.path

if not shutil.which("pyomo"):
    !pip install -q pyomo

if not (shutil.which("cbc") or os.path.isfile("cbc")):
    if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
        !apt-get install -y -qq coinor-cbc
            !conda install -c conda-forge coincbc 

assert(shutil.which("cbc") or os.path.isfile("cbc"))
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import pyomo.gdp as gdp

4.6.2. Problem statement#

A set of \(N\) electrical generating units are available to meet a required demand \(d_t\) for time period \(t \in 1, 2, \ldots, T\). The power generated by unit \(n\) for time period \(t\) is denoted \(x_{n,t}\). Each generating unit is either off, \(x_{n,t} = 0\) or else operating in a range \([p_n^{min}, p_n^{max}]\). The incremental cost of operating the generator during period \(t\) is \(a_n x_{n,t} + b_n\). A binary variable variable \(u_{n,t}\) indicates the operational state of a generating unit.

The unit commitment problem is then

\[ \begin{align*} \min \sum_{n\in N} \sum_{t\in T} a_n x_{n,t} + b_n u_{n,t} \end{align*} \]

subject to

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \sum_{n\in N} x_{n,t} & = d_t \qquad \forall t \in T \\ p_{n}^{min}u_{n,t} & \leq x_{n,t} \qquad \forall n \in N, \ \forall t \in T \\ p_{n}^{max}u_{n,t} & \geq x_{n,t} \qquad \forall n \in N, \ \forall t \in T \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]

where we use the short-cut notation \(T = [1, 2, \ldots T]\) and \(N = [1, 2, \ldots, N]\).

This is a minimal model. A realistic model would include additional constraints corresponding to minimum up and down times for generating units, limits on the rate at which power levels can change, maintenance periods, and so forth.

4.6.3. Model# Demand#

# demand
T = 20
T = np.array([t for t in range(0, T)])
d = np.array([100 + 100*np.random.uniform() for t in T])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.bar(T+1, d)
ax.set_xlabel('Time Period')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Demand')
../_images/2b0bd432a06a1b3e799e2a50c42c73ff9c93e4348510711b3d6a2c514fd50dfb.png Generating Units#

# generating units
N = 5
pmax = 2*max(d)/N
pmin = 0.6*pmax

N = np.array([n for n in range(0, N)])
a = np.array([0.5 + 0.2*np.random.randn() for n in N])
b = np.array([10*np.random.uniform() for n in N])

p = np.linspace(pmin, pmax)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
for n in N:
    ax.plot(p, a[n]*p + b[n])
ax.set_xlim(0, pmax)
ax.set_ylim(0, max(a*pmax + b))
ax.set_xlabel('Unit Production')
ax.set_ylabel('Unit Operating Cost')
../_images/a9cec3bc928b3dab86da5f7759761f3ab431d32d11cc1bed4a59d32341e7bc2a.png Pyomo model 1: Conventional implementation for emi-continuous variables#

def unit_commitment():
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel()

    m.N = pyo.Set(initialize=N)
    m.T = pyo.Set(initialize=T)

    m.x = pyo.Var(m.N, m.T, bounds = (0, pmax))
    m.u = pyo.Var(m.N, m.T, domain=pyo.Binary)
    # objective
    m.cost = pyo.Objective(expr = sum(m.x[n,t]*a[n] + m.u[n,t]*b[n] for t in m.T for n in m.N), sense=pyo.minimize)
    # demand
    m.demand = pyo.Constraint(m.T, rule=lambda m, t: sum(m.x[n,t] for n in N) == d[t])
    # semi-continuous
    m.lb = pyo.Constraint(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda m, n, t: pmin*m.u[n,t] <= m.x[n,t])
    m.ub = pyo.Constraint(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda m, n, t: pmax*m.u[n,t] >= m.x[n,t])
    return m
m = unit_commitment()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(max(N)+1, 1, figsize=(8, 1.5*max(N)+1))
for n in N:
    ax[n].bar(T+1, [m.x[n,t]() for t in T])
    ax[n].set_xlim(0, max(T)+2)
    ax[n].set_ylim(0, 1.1*pmax)
    ax[n].plot(ax[n].get_xlim(), np.array([pmax, pmax]), 'r--')
    ax[n].plot(ax[n].get_xlim(), np.array([pmin, pmin]), 'r--')
    ax[n].set_title('Unit ' + str(n+1))
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: 2078.39330587
  Upper bound: 2078.39330587
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 200
  Number of variables: 180
  Number of binary variables: 100
  Number of integer variables: 100
  Number of nonzeros: 180
  Sense: minimize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  User time: -1.0
  System time: 0.21
  Wallclock time: 0.23
  Termination condition: optimal
  Termination message: Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available.
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
    Black box: 
      Number of iterations: 85
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.2525980472564697
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0
../_images/eb15a912dc1320119da3e2d1af7bb35b549fcd0ef0512c7235f67211b7fe4ff0.png Pyomo model 2: GDP implementation#

def unit_commitment_gdp():
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel()

    m.N = pyo.Set(initialize=N)
    m.T = pyo.Set(initialize=T)

    m.x = pyo.Var(m.N, m.T, bounds = (0, pmax))
    # demand
    m.demand = pyo.Constraint(m.T, rule=lambda m, t: sum(m.x[n,t] for n in N) == d[t])
    # representing the semicontinous variables as disjuctions
    m.sc1 = gdp.Disjunct(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda d, n, t: d.model().x[n,t] == 0)
    m.sc2 = gdp.Disjunct(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda d, n, t: d.model().x[n,t] >= pmin)
    m.sc = gdp.Disjunction(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda m, n, t: [m.sc1[n,t], m.sc2[n,t]])
    # objective. Note use of the disjunct indicator variable
    m.cost = pyo.Objective(expr = sum(m.x[n,t]*a[n] + m.sc2[n,t].indicator_var*b[n] for t in m.T for n in m.N), sense=pyo.minimize)

    # alternative formulation. But how to access the indicator variable?
    #m.semicontinuous = gdp.Disjunction(m.N, m.T, rule=lambda m, n, t: [m.x[n,t]==0, m.x[n,t] >= pmin])
    return m
m_gdp = unit_commitment_gdp()
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,0].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,0].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,0].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,0].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,0].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,1].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,1].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,1].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,1].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,1].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,2].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,2].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,2].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,2].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,2].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,3].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,3].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,3].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,3].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,3].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,4].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,4].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,4].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,4].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,4].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,5].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,5].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,5].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,5].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,5].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,6].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,6].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,6].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,6].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,6].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,7].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,7].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,7].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,7].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,7].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,8].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,8].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,8].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,8].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,8].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,9].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,9].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,9].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,9].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,9].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,10].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,10].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,10].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,10].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,10].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,11].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,11].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,11].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,11].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,11].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,12].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,12].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,12].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,12].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,12].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,13].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,13].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,13].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,13].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,13].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,14].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,14].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,14].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,14].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,14].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,15].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,15].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,15].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,15].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,15].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,16].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,16].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,16].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,16].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,16].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,17].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,17].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,17].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,17].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,17].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,18].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,18].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,18].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,18].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,18].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[0,19].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[1,19].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[2,19].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[3,19].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
WARNING: DEPRECATED: Implicit conversion of the Boolean indicator_var
    'sc2[4,19].indicator_var' to a binary variable is deprecated and will be
    removed.  Either express constraints on indicator_var using
    LogicalConstraints or work with the associated binary variable from
    indicator_var.get_associated_binary()  (deprecated in 6.0) (called from /v
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: 1789.58530805
  Upper bound: 1789.58530805
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 20
  Number of variables: 100
  Number of binary variables: 200
  Number of integer variables: 200
  Number of nonzeros: 100
  Sense: minimize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  User time: -1.0
  System time: 0.24
  Wallclock time: 0.25
  Termination condition: optimal
  Termination message: Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available.
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
    Black box: 
      Number of iterations: 0
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.28235697746276855
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0 There is a problem here!#

Why are the results different? Somehow it appears values of the indicator variables are being ignored.

for n in N:
    for t in T:
        print("n = {0:2d}  t = {1:2d}   {2} {3}  {4:5.2f}".format(n, t, m_gdp.sc1[n,t].indicator_var(), m_gdp.sc2[n,t].indicator_var(), m.x[n,t]()))
n =  0  t =  0   True False  46.85
n =  0  t =  1   True False   0.00
n =  0  t =  2   True False  46.85
n =  0  t =  3   True False  46.85
n =  0  t =  4   True False  46.85
n =  0  t =  5   True False   0.00
n =  0  t =  6   True False  46.85
n =  0  t =  7   True False   0.00
n =  0  t =  8   True False   0.00
n =  0  t =  9   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 10   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 11   True False  46.85
n =  0  t = 12   True False  46.85
n =  0  t = 13   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 14   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 15   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 16   True False   0.00
n =  0  t = 17   True False  46.85
n =  0  t = 18   True False  46.85
n =  0  t = 19   True False  46.85
n =  1  t =  0   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  1   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  2   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  3   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  4   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  5   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  6   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  7   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  8   True False   0.00
n =  1  t =  9   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 10   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 11   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 12   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 13   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 14   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 15   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 16   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 17   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 18   True False   0.00
n =  1  t = 19   True False   0.00
n =  2  t =  0   True False  69.26
n =  2  t =  1   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  2   True False  72.66
n =  2  t =  3   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  4   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  5   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  6   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  7   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  8   True False  78.08
n =  2  t =  9   True False  78.08
n =  2  t = 10   True False  56.01
n =  2  t = 11   True False  69.44
n =  2  t = 12   True False  78.08
n =  2  t = 13   True False  75.63
n =  2  t = 14   True False  78.08
n =  2  t = 15   True False  58.14
n =  2  t = 16   True False  78.08
n =  2  t = 17   True False  78.08
n =  2  t = 18   True False  70.69
n =  2  t = 19   True False  78.08
n =  3  t =  0   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  1   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  2   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  3   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  4   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  5   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  6   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  7   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  8   True False   0.00
n =  3  t =  9   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 10   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 11   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 12   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 13   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 14   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 15   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 16   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 17   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 18   True False   0.00
n =  3  t = 19   True False   0.00
n =  4  t =  0   True False  46.85
n =  4  t =  1   True False  58.87
n =  4  t =  2   True False  46.85
n =  4  t =  3   True False  60.14
n =  4  t =  4   True False  59.28
n =  4  t =  5   True False  71.02
n =  4  t =  6   True False  62.14
n =  4  t =  7   True False  74.93
n =  4  t =  8   True False  66.69
n =  4  t =  9   True False  67.96
n =  4  t = 10   True False  46.85
n =  4  t = 11   True False  46.85
n =  4  t = 12   True False  67.69
n =  4  t = 13   True False  46.85
n =  4  t = 14   True False  59.46
n =  4  t = 15   True False  46.85
n =  4  t = 16   True False  76.70
n =  4  t = 17   True False  70.27
n =  4  t = 18   True False  46.85
n =  4  t = 19   True False  67.73