8. References#

8.1. Online Texts and Resources#

  1. [Åström and Murray, 2010]. An excellent introductory text for an interdisciplinary course in control theory and applications. Extensive web site supporting courses at Caltech.

  2. [Del Vecchio and Murray, 2014]

  3. [Marlin, 1995]

  4. Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering - Process Control

  5. Control Guru: Practical Process Control by Doug Cooper and others.

8.2. Textbooks and Handbooks#

  1. [Albertos and Antonio, 2006]. Advanced monograph with multiple process case studies, and with application to cascade loops and other process control situations. Good source for case study examples.

  2. [Blevins and Nixon, 2011]

  3. [Kravaris and Kookos, 2021]

  4. [Seborg et al., 2016]

  5. [Smith and Corripio, 2005]

  6. [Love, 2007]

8.3. Process Control Education#

  1. [Bequette, 2019]

8.4. Bibliography#


Pedro Albertos and Sala Antonio. Multivariable control systems: an engineering approach. Springer Science & Business Media, 2006.


Naveed A Bakh, Gili Bisker, Michael A Lee, Xun Gong, and Michael S Strano. Rational design of glucose-responsive insulin using pharmacokinetic modeling. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6(22):1700601, 2017.


B Wayne Bequette. Process control practice and education: past, present and future. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 128:538–556, 2019.


Terrence L Blevins and Mark Nixon. Control loop foundation: batch and continuous processes. ISA, 2011.


Domitilla Del Vecchio and Richard M Murray. Biomolecular feedback systems. Princeton University Press, 2014. URL: https://fbswiki.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page.


Brian Douglas. The fundamentals of control theory. 2017. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAjaDDViFG4H7dQ6PQVHo8XSQHS59GJf/view.


Costas Kravaris and Ioannis K Kookos. Understanding Process Dynamics and Control. Cambridge University Press, 2021.


Matthew E Levison and Julie H Levison. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antibacterial agents. Infect Dis Clin North Am, 23(4):791–815, Dec 2009. doi:10.1016/j.idc.2009.06.008.


Jonathan Love. Process automation handbook: a guide to theory and practice. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.


Thomas E Marlin. Process control. Chemical Engineering Series, McGraw-Hill International Editions: New York, 1995. URL: http://pc-textbook.mcmaster.ca/.


Jochen Schmid, Katrin Teichert, Moncef Chioua, Thorsten Schindler, and Michael Bortz. Simulation and optimal control of the williams-otto process using pyomo. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07614, 2020. URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.07614.pdf.


Dale E Seborg, Thomas F Edgar, Duncan A Mellichamp, and Francis J Doyle III. Process dynamics and control. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.


Carlos A Smith and Armando B Corripio. Principles and practices of automatic process control. John Wiley & Sons, 2005.


Jing Fan Yang, Xun Gong, Naveed A Bakh, Kelley Carr, Nelson FB Phillips, Faramarz Ismail-Beigi, Michael A Weiss, and Michael S Strano. Connecting rodent and human pharmacokinetic models for the design and translation of glucose-responsive insulin. Diabetes, 69(8):1815–1826, 2020.


Karl Johan Åström and Richard M Murray. Feedback systems. Princeton university press, 2010. URL: https://fbswiki.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page.