Managing Multiple Devices with an Event Loop
Managing Multiple Devices with an Event Loop#
serial exception on close write failed: [Errno 6] Device not configured
Found serial ports: /dev/cu.usbmodem14301, /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
Connecting to --port=/dev/cu.usbmodem14301 --baud=115200
The following example makes use of three Grove devices
# rotary angle sensor
import machine
import time
from lcd1602 import LCD1602
class LCD16x2():
def __init__(self, i2c):
self.i2c = i2c
self.d = LCD1602(i2c, 2, 16)
self.lines = [" "*16, " "*16]
def update(self, line1=None, line2=None):
self.update_line(0, line1)
self.update_line(1, line2)
def update_line(self, j, line):
line = "{:16s}".format(line)
if line != self.lines[j]:
for i, char in enumerate(line):
self.d.setCursor(i, j)
self.lines[j] = line
class RotaryAngleSensor():
def __init__(self, adc):
self.adc = adc
def value(self, n=10):
return (100/n/65535)*sum([self.adc.read_u16() for k in range(n)])
class Servo():
def __init__(self, pwm, freq=50, pulse_width_min=500, pulse_width_max=2500):
self.pwm = pwm
self.pulse_width_min = pulse_width_min
self.pulse_width_max = pulse_width_max
self.pulse_width_us = 1500
def set_position(self, pos):
pw = self.pulse_width_min + int((self.pulse_width_max - self.pulse_width_min)*pos/100)
self.pulse_width_us = max(self.pulse_width_min, min(self.pulse_width_max, pw))
sensor = RotaryAngleSensor(machine.ADC(0))
lcd = LCD16x2(machine.I2C(0))
servo = Servo(machine.PWM(machine.Pin(16, machine.Pin.OUT)))
def main(timer):
global sensor, lcd, servo
pos = sensor.value()
lcd.update(f"ADC = {sensor.value():5.1f}%", f"pulse = {servo.pulse_width_us} us")
timer = machine.Timer(freq=100, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=main)
Use the oscilloscope and logic analyzer to verify …
The analog measurement on ADC(0)
Pulse width modulation of the servo motor
I2C communication with display
Create a class to control a sensor or actuator (e.g., buzzer on Maker PI board, or PIR sensor).
Read data sheet
Determine what functionality is required.
Write and test a class